How To Make A Career In AI?

By Jyothi Swaroop Makena

19th August, 2023

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a computer system’s ability to mimic human behavior. Machines demonstrate this sort of intelligence, which can be compared to a natural intelligence that humans and animals demonstrate.


Here is how you can Make a career in AI

You can enroll in a (B.Sc.) program that lasts for three years instead of a (B.Tech.) program that lasts for four years. It is also possible to get an engineering degree in a conceptually comparable field, such as information technology or computer science, and then specialize in artificial intelligence alongside data science and machine learning.

1. Complete a Bachelor's Degree

2. Pursue a Master's Degree

To give yourself a competing chance for AI engineering careers and increase your earning capacity, you may consider getting Artificial Intelligence Engineer Master's degree in a similar discipline. It will provide you with a comprehensive understanding of the topic.

On the other hand, participating in Artificial Intelligence Courses or diploma programs may help you increase your abilities at a lower financial investment. There are graduate and post-graduate degrees available in artificial intelligence and machine learning that you may pursue.

3. Earn Certifications

4. Acquire Practical Experience

To become an AI engineer, it's important to acquire practical experience. While a strong foundation in mathematics, statistics, and computer science is essential, hands-on experience with real-world problems is equally important. Through projects, and participation in hackathons, you can develop practical skills.

AI Engineers build different types of AI applications, such as contextual advertising based on sentiment analysis, visual identification or perception and language translation. It is one of the most in-demand and sort after jobs in the industry.