How To Help Stray Animals In India

By Anuska Roy

26th Oct, 2022

In India, there are almost 80 million stray animals, and the population is only growing because there isn’t the necessary infrastructure or funding to keep it under control.


Although the fate of stray animals is terrible, have you ever questioned why there isn’t a reliable stray management system in place?

Domestic animals left to fend for themselves on the streets are known as stray animals. A stray animal does not currently have a known owner.

Stray Animal Meaning

Helping Stray Animals

Your actions may play a key role in helping an animal live a good life on the streets. Alternatively, you can assist the animal in locating a devoted and secure forever home.

If you see an animal, stay put and don’t let it out of sight. Be persistent and patient, as many stray dogs and cats are afraid of people. If you encounter a young animal, search the area for the mother and any possible siblings.

Secure The Animal

Tags and Injuries

If the animal has a tag with a phone number, call the number mentioned and set up a reunion. If the animal is hurt, take them to the closest shelter immediately.

hether we realise it or not, animals significantly impact our lives and the environment. It is in our best interests to assist them in whatever way we can.