How Do You Cram Before Forgetting For Exams?

By Ishika

11 March, 2024

Cramming, or last-minute studying, is a common strategy used by students to prepare for exams when time is limited. While cramming can be effective in the short term, retaining information for the exam requires strategic approaches to prevent forgetting.


Here are four key strategies to cram effectively before an exam while minimizing the risk of forgetting:

Rather than cramming all at once, space out your study sessions over time. Review the material multiple times in shorter intervals leading up to the exam. This spaced repetition technique helps reinforce memory retention and prevents forgetting by repeatedly exposing your brain to the information.

1. Spaced Repetition:

2. Active Recall:

Engage in active learning techniques such as self-testing, flashcards, or summarization to actively retrieve information from memory. Practice recalling key concepts and facts without relying on notes or textbooks. Actively engaging with the material enhances retention and reduces the likelihood of forgetting.

Mix up your study sessions by interleaving different topics or subjects rather than focusing on one topic at a time. This approach helps reinforce connections between related concepts and prevents forgetting by promoting deeper understanding and integration of the material.

3. Interleaved Practice:

4. Teach or Explain the Material:

Test your understanding by teaching the material to someone else or explaining it as if you were teaching a class. Teaching requires you to organize and articulate the information in your own words, which reinforces memory retention and helps solidify your understanding of the material.

While cramming for exams can be a necessary strategy when time is limited, preventing forgetting requires strategic approaches to studying. By incorporating spaced repetition, active recall, interleaved practice, and teaching or explaining the material, you can enhance memory retention and minimize the risk of forgetting important information. Remember to prioritize understanding over rote memorization and avoid relying solely on cramming as a long-term study strategy.