How Do South Korean Students Study?

By Ishika

8 February, 2024

South Korean students approach studying with a structured and disciplined mindset, utilizing various techniques to maximize their learning outcomes.


Here are five points explaining how South Korean students study:

South Korean students often attend private academies known as “hagwons” after regular school hours. These hagwons offer specialized instruction in subjects such as math, science, English, and Korean language. Students enroll in hagwons to receive additional tutoring, reinforcement of school curriculum, and preparation for standardized exams like the College Scholastic Ability Test (CSAT).

1. Utilization of Hagwons:

2. Intensive Focus on Memorisation:

Memorisation plays a crucial role in South Korean education. Students are expected to memorize vast amounts of information, including vocabulary, formulas, historical facts, and grammar rules. They employ various memorization techniques such as repetition, mnemonic devices, and flashcards to internalize and retain information effectively.

South Korean students dedicate extensive hours to studying, often sacrificing leisure time and sleep to pursue academic excellence. They maintain rigorous study schedules, sometimes studying late into the night or waking up early to review materials. The culture of hard work and perseverance instills a strong work ethic among students, driving them to invest significant time and effort into their studies.

3. Long Study Hours:

4. Emphasis on Practice Tests:

Practice tests are integral to South Korean students’ study routines, especially in preparation for standardized exams like the CSAT. They regularly take mock exams to gauge their understanding of subject matter, identify areas of weakness, and simulate exam conditions. Analyzing their performance on practice tests allows students to focus their efforts on areas requiring improvement and refine their test-taking strategies.

Collaborative learning is common among South Korean students, who frequently engage in group study sessions with peers. These study groups provide opportunities for knowledge sharing, discussion, and peer teaching. By explaining concepts to one another and discussing problem-solving strategies, students deepen their understanding of academic material and reinforce their learning through active engagement with peers.