Best City For CA Preparation In India?

By Ishika

9 October, 2023

Wondering what are the best cities for CA preparation in India? Check this webstory out to find out more:


“Here are the best cities for CA preparation in India”


Mumbai is home to the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) headquarters, making it a popular destination for CA aspirants. It has numerous coaching centers and libraries dedicated to CA exam preparation.

Delhi is another major hub for CA coaching institutes and has a significant CA student population. It offers a wide range of resources and a competitive environment for aspiring CAs.


Kolkata has several reputed CA coaching institutes and is known for its disciplined approach to CA exam preparation.



Chennai is emerging as a growing hub for CA preparation with the presence of well-established coaching centers and study facilities.

Please note that the popularity of cities for CA preparation can change over time so it’s advisable to consider factors such as coaching quality, cost of living, and personal preferences when choosing a city for your CA exam preparation.