By Ishika
24 January, 2024
Wondering what are the 5 best things to do between study breaks? Check this web story out for more details:
- Benefit: Physical activity boosts circulation, reduces stress, and improves concentration. - Activity: Perform simple stretches or take a short walk to refresh your mind and body.
2. Mindful Breathing or Meditation:
- Benefit: Calms the mind, reduces stress, and enhances focus. - Activity: Practice deep breathing exercises or engage in a brief meditation session to center yourself.
- Benefit: Proper hydration and nutritious snacks can help maintain energy levels and cognitive function. - Activity: Drink water, herbal tea, or grab a healthy snack like fruits or nuts.
3. Hydrate and Snack Smartly:
4. Change Your Environment:
- Benefit: A change of scenery can prevent monotony and stimulate creativity. - Activity: Step outside for fresh air, sit in a different room, or simply change your study position.
- Benefit: Taking a break to do something you enjoy can boost mood and motivation. - Activity: Read a short article, listen to music, or engage in a hobby you find relaxing for a brief mental escape.