How I Got A NASA Internship As An Indian Student

By Internshala

Oct 06 2017

NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) is one of those dreamy places where unthinkable is achieved. During my third semester, I developed an interest in applying for a summer internship at NASA.


A professor told me that there was a place for only one summer intern in his group, and he would consider me if I turned out to be the best among all the aspirants.

Once he was convinced that I had the required skills and experience, he said, “I think I’m convinced that you’re the one.”

Getting A Yes!

Twist Of Events

I was waiting impatiently for my offer letter, when I received an email entitled ‘Bad news – we cannot bring you to JPL on the JPLGF program’.

The last possibility was to contact a Caltech professor and apply for a SURF project

Silver Lining

Internship At NASA

I got the confirmation for selection. SURF/JVSRP was a 10-week internship program. I was an intern at the Robotic Systems Estimation, Decision, and Control Group (347-E).

Working with the pioneers of space exploration was like a dream come true! If the Jedi were real, they would be at JPL!