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Why We Need To Do Better

It’s year 2024. Many things have happened. Many things are happening. And of course, many things will happen. 

Humanity has overcome some of the massive challenges already. We have an existence, we have large functioning democracies, we have resources, we have developed countries, we have national securities of respective countries, that is information that we don’t know of, we have sprawling medical science, and above all, we have hope. We will have future generations who will inherit our world. 

We have done well so far. And research suggests, we will do better in years to come. We will prevail, as we have so far. 

As we dig in, we find somethings are missing. Our protection axis is weak. Our security measures have been weak in all departments. Oppression has taken the helm of power. Our progress is not only stopped, it has gone backwards, it is also questioned. This was not suppose to be happen. And the trends are dangerous. 

By assessment, we find out we have not able to do basics. Essential items are still paid in all parts of the world. We have faced a pandemic in which our existence was threatened. We have not been able a beacon of hope to the marginalised. We made the powerful marginalised. Our health systems have not been able to produce outcomes with the requirements of 21st century. We have not able to do pathbreaking discovery and invention that fundamentally changes the lives of the people for good (well, I did!). We forget to do the basic minimum in many spheres and take quantum leaps that won’t help until we do the basic. 

Humanity stands for hope. It stands for happiness. It stands for truth. It stands for positivity. It stands for all unsaid things. For every problem, this is our only hope. Creating problems is not our hope. 

But we have been doing former. And it will not help us. We have forgotten how to be good. We have forgotten how to make the daily routine work. Our past data is enough for us to overcome these problems. 

If we do the basic, we will not face any acute crisis or any man-made crisis. 

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