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The Exorcism Of Anneliese Michel

In 2005, a popular Hollywood film was released, “The Exorcism of Emily Rose.”

There are many horror films in Hollywood, but there was something special about this film. It is based on a true story.

This was based on the story of Anneliese Michel. One of the most famous exorcism incidents in the history of the world.


Anneliese Michel was born on September 21, 1952, in Leibifing, West Germany.

Anneliese was a woman who underwent 67 Catholic exorcisms during the year before her death. She died of malnutrition, for which her parents and priests were convicted of negligent homicide.


When Michel was 16, she suddenly fainted in school. Friends report that she shifted for a minute or two. She was in a strange, trance-like state. When she returned home that evening, she went to sleep in her room. Sometime during the night, she woke up suddenly. She said that she felt as if there was a heavy weight on her body. When she looked around her bed, she realized that she had wet the bed. But for the next few weeks and months, nothing happened. Until a year Once again, a similar incident happened in 1969, and this time. Anneliese’s parents felt that she should be taken to a doctor. The Sun Newspaper reported that “He found there to be nothing wrong with her, as did a neurologist.”


But then, about a year later, in February 1970, Anneliese got tuberculosis, because of which she had to be admitted to the hospital. This time, when she was lying on the hospital bed, Anneliese said that she saw strange colors and heard voices. The doctor said that she has “Temporal Lobe Epilepsy”, due to which she was having seizures. Now It is not a rare disease; more than 50 million people in the world suffer from it. But Anneliese’s case is quite unique.


A couple of days later, Later Anneliese started having dangerous hallucinations and started seeing things that no one else could see. She heard voices that no one else could hear. She had Some voices in her head kept telling her that “she was cursed”, because of this She went into depression. But this was just the beginning. 

Catholic Christians often kneel while doing a type of prayer. The Telegraph newspaper reported. Anneliese, start doing this about 600 times a day. To the extent that her knee ligaments were damaged. Then once she went under the table and hid for two consecutive days, she started barking like a Dog. One day she ate a Spyder; another day she ate a piece of coal; and once she ate a bird.


Her parents were not able to understand what was happening, they could not get any answers from the doctor. One day they went to a bishop and asked him to do an exorcism for Anneliese.

“Exorcism”means to take out an evil spirit from someone’s body by religious procedures. In India, it is called Called 

“Jhad Phuk”.


It was said that six demons were residing in Anneliese body: German dictator Adolf Hitler,Roman Emperor Nero, Judas, A disciple of Jesus who had deceived Jesus, and the fourth Cain Son of Adam, who had killed his brother Abel, Fifth Lucifer, the main demon in Christian theology, and the sixth Valentin Fleischman, a Greek Catholic priest who lived in the 1500s, were expelled from the religion from the church due to his alcoholism and a murder charge.


As the Exorcism on Anneliese Michel progressed, it’s said that the demon residing within her started talking. The real clip of this exorcism is still available online.

 Anneliese Michael’s case is one of the most bizarre cases in the history of the world. But this is not the only one. 

Years ago, an American man was found unconscious in his hotel room. When he was taken to the hospital, he regained consciousness and started speaking Swedish. When his ID card and other documents were checked, his name was found to be Michael Bootwright, but when he was asked his name, he said that his name was Johan Ek.


How did the American man start speaking Swedish after he regained unconsciousness?

How did Anneliese Michael start making these demonic sounds?


Did a demonic soul really enter in these bodies?

Let’s understand these mysteries in detail…

In English, it is called demonic possession. The real reason behind all this is multiple personality disorders. You must have heard of this disorder somewhere. If not, then you may have seen it in films. As the name suggests, multiple personality disorders It means a person has multiple personalities. But how’s this possible? To understand this, we need to stop using this name, because now this mental new name The condition has been given a name Daissociative Identity Disorder What I want to say here is that our identities and our minds are very complex. Some people’s identities dissociate into different personalities. These different personalities are known as alters. A person can have two Alters four.. five even twenty Alters… 

There is the famous case of Kim Nobel, in which her alter Patricia became her primary host identity. Kim’s daughter was 14 year old then when she take care of her daughter as a mother she doesn’t see herself as a mother insted she sees herself as Patricia other than Kim and Patricia she has other identities too like Judy, Aby, Ken, Bonny.

In 2017 the Hollywood films Split was released. It showed the same thing when Kim and her daughter went to the Oprah Winfrey Show they were filmed twice when they were at home Kim personality was of Patricia then and when they come on the Show her personality was of the 15 years old Judy. 

There is nothing to worry about because, as you see in films, the behavior doesn’t change suddenly and dramatic manner. In fact, most of the time, if people don’t know about it, they might not be able to notice it. The interesting thing that we see here is that whenever this personality switch happens, the memory of the other personality’s action or experiences disappears so often throughout her life that she may forget her keys somewhere. Sometimes she orders pizza and then forgets that she had ordered it.

One day, something disturbing happened: the personality switch happened when she was driving. 15-year-old Judy came on while driving, and this led to an accident. 

A person who suffers from dissociative identity disorder does not know that they are suffering from it; they just know that they have frequent memory losses. or does not have a proper sense of time. They can remember they were a few hours ago when a different personality had taken over when Kim was told that she was suffered from DID Patricia and many other personality refused to believe it. They thought it was strange that it was not possible see had to undergo therapy for 6 years only then could see accepted that it was happen to her.

Once she understood this gradually the pieces of the puzzle falling into place and she started to understand why she was loosing time again and again and why there were so many gaps in her memory.

With the help of Psychotherapy eventually Patricia started to accept her condition but 

what is the solution to this?

The solution is the opposite of Dissociation “Reintegration” Communication should be established between different Alters. So that identities can be united again. She had 3 to 4 switches per day, but with time she understood the triggers that, for example, Whenever the food was served her Judy personality would came out. Whenever she went to take a bath she would be over taken by the spirit of water. Understanding these she started managing her DID system

But on the other hand, Anneliese Michael was not that fortunate. She had. to suffer through 67 exorcisms in a span of 10 months, and after that, she passed away. 

What was the reason behind her death?

Some people say that evil and bad spirits have negative energy, and as a solution to this, they often think about positive energy. You are told to harness the positive energy of the universe to fight against negative energy. 

Similar to this is the idea of law of attraction. Amelies’s death DY was not due to any demen or negative energy. She died due to starvation and acute dehydration. That is, she didn’t have any access to food or water. She was so light that she weighed. only 32 kg. When the news of his death spread all over the world, it became a national scandal. Law agencies Started getting involved here. They saw that Anneliese was actually kept in the psychiatric care ever since she was 16. The physicians who were treating her said that she had a positive response to medication and therapy. 

They said that Anneliele suffered from three mental illnesses. First Temporal Lobe Epilepsy, which I have already talked about. Second, Anorexia Nervosa, This is a mental illness in which people have distorted perceptions about their weight. Healthy people think that they are Gaining weight and becoming fat while their body is actually healthy. And the third is Religious Personality Disorder A condition in which a person’s religious beliefs become so intense that they report experiencing mystical experiences. They start having delusions about spirituality; such people often become obsessed with unholy things. 

The reason behind this are said to be Anneliese parents who were extremely religious. Anneliese childhood was an extremely religious upbringing. This is why Anneliese felt that there were demons in her Sometimes she would call those Demons “Hitler”. This is very obvious because, had it been only Hindus, Muslims or Atheist. 

Annelies only knew the names of Lucifer, Judas, and Cain because she was taught about these names in her childhood. If she had received medical assistance at the right time, her death could have been prevented. This is why charges were filed against her parents and the Roman Catholic priests who did this fxorcism. These four people were also convicted of negligent homicide. 

Now you might be thinking that many of us go through irrational thoughts, regrets, fears, superstitions but not everyone has DID Why is this? 

It was found in the survey that 90% of the cases were victims of some form of abuse in their childhood. This abuse might often be physical or mental, and because of this, there is trouma. It leaves a mental wound in the brain, and because of this, your brain dissociates. To overcome the pain in your mind, your brain splits into different personalities. Obviously this method of overcoming challenges is not very safe It is a serious Mental Illness because of this people may fall into stress, anxiety, and others, Because of this, people may become addicted to alcohol and drugs.

Some studies suggest that 74% of people have experienced at least one episode in their life.

 I talked about an example at the beginning of Michael Boatwright’s story; this is an example of Dissociative Fugue. An American Man who started speaking Swedish after fainting. Do you know why this happened? There was a simple reason: He had spent a lot of time in Sweden. Boatwright had lived in Sweden on and off from 1981 to 2003. He suffered from dissociative fugue, where people get confused about their past events. The trigger is some form of a traumaThe .

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