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Can Feminist Policies Translate Into Better Politics?

“When one woman is a leader, it changes her. When more women are leaders, it changes politics and policies.” – Michelle Bachelet

Policy and politics are pivotal in defining the legacy of an administration and can change the history for better or worse. Effective governance and feminist policies can lead to more equality and electoral success. Recent Lok Sabha election results have shown that people expect implementation of policies that not only promote equal representation but also cater to the welfare of citizens. However, can one feminist policy be a step towards reformed politics is the question that remains in minds of people even today.

Feminist policies:

Policy is defined as a set of ideas or plan of action followed by an institution. They are intended to affect the real world by guiding decisions made by an individual or organization.

Feminist policies are programs which are aimed at addressing gender inequality, improvising women’s access to basic human rights, amenities and creating an inclusive and equitable society.

They differ from general policies as feminist policies are focused on women emancipation and advancing women’s rights while general policies encompass a wide range of social issues and may not prioritize gender equality. A comprehensive approach towards policymaking which considers both general and feminist policies can help in addressing diversified needs of the population.

Some examples of feminist policies are-

Gender Quota Law: In 2003, the Norwegian government passed a law which requires companies to have at least 40% of their board members be women. After its implementation, the law has fostered innovation and encouraged diversity beyond gender.

Paid Parental Leave Policy: It is a policy which was passed in 1974; it requires the government to provide 16 months of paid leave for both parents combined. It also requires fathers to take at least three of 16 months paid leave. This policy has helped in encouraging equal division of labor, empowering women and promoting gender equality.

These policies have helped in emancipating women in terms of both economic and political participation and aided in creating long-term impact and sustainability on the global society.

Feminist Policy impact on politics:

Many groups with different ideologies and causes like lobbyists,politicians,think tanks collaborate in the process of policymaking. Politics is inherently divided which keeps policy from reaching extremes.

Implementation of feminist policies have a direct implication on gender representation and political empowerment. Gender quotas have ensured more representation of various groups in legislative bodies while these movements have encouraged women to pursue leadership roles in different sectors like business, academia, politics etc. and led to political agendas becoming more inclusive in nature.

Feminist Influence has led to development of policies in terms of parental leave policy, childcare and have facilitated greater participation of women in the workforce. They have largely contributed towards reduced poverty levels and increased economic growth, promoting economic emancipation.

The schemes which aim at empowering women have witnessed cultural and societal shifts. They have challenged gender notions and raised awareness about important social issues like domestic violence, gender discrimination.They have considered intersection of gender with class, race and other identities which has been a major contributor towards more focused and effective political responses.

Political influence on Feminist Policies:

The working of the political system has shaped the formulation and implementation of policies. Over last few centuries, the representatives and political leaders have changed the dynamics of feminist policy making process.

The parties have shaped the policies focused on equal representation through the campaign platforms. The inclusion of egalitarian policies in the electoral manifesto has led to boosting of support for feminist legislation. The internal politics of parties which have committed to inclusion of gender equity and women being given leadership roles within parties has influenced their perspective and stance on feminist and social issues.

Changes in public perception has been a huge changemaker in terms of political and policy priorities. Increasing awareness of gender issues have compelled political leaders to support the programs in order to gain votes from women supporters and various constituencies and align with voter values and sentiments.

Occurrence of political events or crises such as elections or rallies can have a great impact on the making of idealist policies. These events and crises have led to creation of policy windows which highlight disparities faced by people and have led to prompt political action and legislative changes.They have also been subject to negotiation and compromise due to the political environment and sometimes be a part of political bargaining where measures are supported in exchange of backing other political agendas.

Feminist Policies = Better Politics?

Policies and politics have a multifaceted relation. Sometimes, it’s implementation of good feminist policies in a bad political environment while most of the times ,it’s bad idealist policies being put in place in a good political environment.

The general view has been of formulation and adoption of feminist policies improving political processes, shaping the inclusive representation, enhancing socio-economic development and creating innovative policy solutions

There have been several instances where feminist policies have led towards better political system and have changed the course of a nation:

Panchayati Raj Institutions (1992):

It is a law which was implemented along with the LPG (liberalisation,privatisation and globalization) reforms in 1992. It is also known as the 73rd Amendment which mandates one-third (33 %) of seats in village councils (panchayats) to be reserved for women. It was a massive polity success in terms of increased female participation at grassroot levels and development in leadership roles. It raised the awareness and essence of local governance and women emancipation and created a flow of opportunities for future female political leaders.

Self-Help Groups (1985):

A SHG is generally a group of people who work on daily wages who form an association or union. Money is collected from those who are able to donate and given to members in need. Various states have promoted these programs through empowering women via microfinance and entrepreneurial support. In terms of political and social development, it has lifted up women out of poverty cycle which created a loyal voter base. Women have become more active in political terms, supporting parties who promote such initiatives and has translated into political achievement.

Free Public Transport for Women (2019):

In 2019, The Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) introduced free public transport for women in Delhi. The women can now travel freely with pink tickets issued by the government. It was implemented to promote gender equality and ensure safety of women and was well received by the general public particularly women. The scheme helped in enhancing AAP ‘s image as pro-women party and contributed in AAP’s landslide victory in 2020 Delhi Assembly Elections. This shows that addressing practical challenges faced by women through implementation of gender-sensitive policies can improvise polity system and lead to massive political gains.

Although these policies have been a big step towards better politics, there have been challenges and limitations in turning egalitarian policies into political success.They include cultural & societal barriers, opposition due to being viewed as threat to power structures, tokenism in terms of inclusivity of women and the gap between formulation and implementation of policies in real world which can impede the potential of changes in social structure and ensuring equal representation for everyone.

Even though the limitations can diminish the potential transformation of feminist policies into better polity, they can be eliminated through promotion of cultural & societal change, addressing the needs of women across different background through intersectionality and diversity and certify that there is proper formulation and effective adoption of policies as practices at all levels of governments and global society.


To summarize, integration of feminist principles into politics and promotion of equality, freedom, representation and justice can enhance the policy-making process and political systems. Effective policies can uplift the lives of women through inclusivity and representation and can foster responsiveness and sense of efficiency in the political system. To make programs successful, policymakers and political leaders must work together in crafting feminist policies that address diverse needs, cater to equal representation of all genders and are the steps towards achieving gender equality and empowerment. Ultimately, the key towards a nation’s success lies in the intersection of feminist policies and political governance which contribute towards a fairer and equitable society.

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