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Books Of Social Work (Safalta Se Sarthakta Tak By Dr. Daman Ahuja)

Safalta Se Sarthakta Tak” is not merely a book made out of the story of Dr. Daman Ahuja, but a profound exploration of the purpose of existence that resonates with every spiritual being at least once in their lifetime. A wise individual once told me, “You may not discover your passion for much of your life, but keep the journey alive, for it holds answers to many of your questions.” While many of us struggle to find these answers, intimidated by the fear of giving away our comfortable lives, the protagonist takes multiple leaps of faith, leaving behind a number of well paid jobs in pursuit of his life’s purpose.

The protagonist through his journey has also been successful in giving a meaning to his education in social work, by creating a sustainable home for around 14 deprived children.. Each child arrives with a unique story, evoking a range of emotions in the reader and prompting gratitude for their own upbringing. Despite facing early exposure to fear, hatred, anxiety, and anger—robbing them of their childhood—the children reclaim and transform their lives, discovering talents in singing, dancing, acting, and music. They blossom into responsible individuals, empowered by what the author terms “SOHAM Soch”: Social Orientation to Human Aspirations through Meditation.

The author’s philosophy becomes a guiding light at SOHAM Vishvas Ghar, where regular meditation practices shape the lives of these children. Along with those 14 children the book also describes the journey of the writer in battling with the hardships for establishing this home for the children. Being a male he is the only bread earner of his family, leaving a job that had all the prestige one could imagine and then living his life with his family where he struggled to meet the basic necessities of life sometimes. He was obviously was not greeted very presently while mobilizing funds for this cause, being a part of the society that has a habit of taunting anyone and everyone who chooses a path that has been less travelled by. All of that put together was still not enough to shake his resolve for doing something extraordinary for these juvenile yet innocent children.

While reading the book, SOHAM doesn’t just appear to be a living space, it is made to be so alive with unique recreational activities that it looks like a living “Aatma” wherein the children of god are residing and growing. The reader feels happy while reading about the holistic progress of these children at SOHAM Vishvas Ghar, at the same time one is shaken from inside when the protagonist describes how he had to shut down the space due to the new rules of the Government for various infrastructural and staff compliance, which required a huge amount of resources. However, SOHAM still ensured that all these children were taken care of until they could become self-reliant, standing on their own feet, which they eventually did.

In essence, “Safalta Se Sarthakta Tak” is an emotional journey that invites readers to accompany the protagonist through his quest for a deeper meaning of success in life. It stands as a testament to those who drive and deliver profound social change.

The book is truly an emotional journey of the writer where the reader becomes his companion and experiences all that the protagonist goes through, trying to bring in a paradigm shift in the perceived meaning of success in life. “SOHAM soch” is therefore not just a theoretical approach to life, but rather a living example of 14 underprivileged children and one man who instilled in them the belief that they can achieve anything, thus justifying its title “Safalta se Sarthakta Tak”. May the god give more strength to such people who have the ability to drive and deliver social change!

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