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‘Black Spot’ (Zone Blanche), A Rare Environmental Fiction

Spoiler warning: minor spoilers

As evident from the poster image, I was drawn to this French-Belgian series “Black Spot” (original title: “Zone Blanche”, directed by Mathieu Missoffe) by its melancholic, gloomy, yet strangely beautiful atmosphere that was abundantly displayed throughout the series. It’s a gripping story that masterfully blends crime, thriller, and supernatural genres. Set in the eerie, isolated town of Villefranche, the series offers a dark and atmospheric narrative that delves into the town’s mysteries, the supernatural elements of its surrounding forest, and the constant tension between environmental conservation and capitalist exploitation.


The story revolves around a small and isolated town called Villefranche, a place where modernity grapples with tradition and the forces of nature wield an unsettling influence over its inhabitants. The town is surrounded by a dense and mysterious forest which creates a sense of isolation and enclosure, narrating the the town’s separation from the outside world. Villefranche is so alienated that it’s a dead zone for phone network and even the microwaves don’t function properly. Simultaneously, the homicide rate in this town is six times higher than the national average.

One of the primary conflicts in the series is the presence of an industrial sawmill owned by the Steiner family, which represents capitalist interests. The sawmill’s operations pose a direct threat to the forest and local ecosystem. At the same time, the business decisions made by Steiner family directly impact the local community’s livelihood. There is a constant tension between the desire for economic development and the need to preserve natural resources.

On the other hand, the town’s sheriff Major Laurene Weiss (Suliane Brahim) and her team investigate various strange and disturbing crimes that occur in the area. Each episode unravels a new mystery, often tinged with elements that defy rational explanation. The newly appointed District Attorney, Franck Siriani (Laurent Capelluto) is reluctantly looking into the bevy of murder cases, trying to make sense of the crime rate of the town. He is also interested in investigating the Steiner family as he believes that they are involved in a major conspiracy. For the same, he also looks into the Sheriff’s past as it seems to have close links with the missing daughter of Bertrand, a Steiner as well as the town’s mayor.

The strong-willed Sheriff is initially a hypocrite trying to maintain the balance between the powerful Steiners and the common people. Ironically, her own daughter Cora (Camille Aguilar) is part of a rebel group of environmental activists deeply concerned about the Steiner’s industrial activities affecting local ecosystem.

Nature as the main character:

In Black Spot, nature is not just a setting but a central character that profoundly influences the storyline, themes, and characters. It’s a living, breathing entity with its own will and consciousness. The forest’s reaction to human encroachment and exploitation serves as a commentary on the consequences of disrupting the natural balance.

The townspeople’s various interactions with the forest reveal their fears, superstitions, respect and even disregard of its power. As an outsider, Prosecutor Siriani brings a rational perspective to the town’s mysteries, but his encounters with the forest challenge his skepticism and force him to confront the limitations of his logical approach. The Steiners are disrespectful and arrogant in their disregard for nature. Major Weiss is both the victim and accomplice in the forest’s resilience.

The creators have used visual and auditory elements to bring the forest to life, enhancing its character-like presence. The rustling leaves, distant animal calls, and ambient sounds of the forest contribute to the eerie and immersive experience and remind the audience of the forest’s omnipresence and its role as a silent observer and actor in the series.

Intertwining mythology and reality:

Mythological elements in “Black Spot” are often used metaphorically to explore themes of fear, power and the unknown. The show emphasizes the power and mystery of nature, drawing on mythological themes of nature’s dominance and the human inability to fully control or understand it.

One of the central mythological themes in Black Spot is the forest deity referred to as “Cernunnos”, a figure from Celtic mythology depicted as a horned god representing nature, fertility and prosperity. In Black Spot, Cernunnos is depicted in both literal and figurative sense. He represents the untamed and mysterious aspects of the forest, linked to the unexplained events and strange occurrences throughout the series. Major Weiss had an encounter with Cernunnos as a teenager, shaping her character and her connection to the forest. The actions and decisions of the characters, especially those related to the forest and its preservation, are often influenced by their beliefs or experiences related to Cernunnos.

“All-Nighter” is a local tradition in Villefranche, where the town’s inhabitants participate in a night-long vigil in the forest. The ritual serves as a way for the townspeople to connect with the forest and its mystical elements, honoring the forest deity and nature. Participants are shown to experience strange and unexplainable occurrences during the night, reflecting the forest’s mystical influence.

Environmental activism:

Corporate interests often clash with the town’s desire to maintain the forest’s natural state, highlighting the tension between economic development and environmental preservation. Protection of Villefranche’s natural environment is a central issue for several characters. Various members of the community are involved in grassroots activism and public protests against logging and other harmful activities. The town’s cultural and historical connection to the forest strengthens their resolve to defend it as they see the forest as a vital part of their heritage and identity.

“Children of Arduinna” is the secretive group of eco-warriors central to the environmental activism throughout the series. Arduinna is a Celtic goddess associated with the Ardennes forest, symbolizing the wilderness and hunting. The group’s name signifies their spiritual and cultural connection to the forest and its ancient, sacred traditions. Their activism includes direct action against those who threaten the forest, such as sabotaging logging operations and confronting exploiters of the forest’s resources. Major Weiss’s daughter Cora has been associated with them for a short while, creating tension between herself and her mother.

In conclusion, “Black Spot” is a visual treat of atmospheric storytelling, blending supernatural elements with deep psychological insights and socio-environmental themes. Those who want to watch a richly layered series that challenges perceptions, “Black Spot” is a compelling journey into the heart of mystery and myth.

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