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Women: The Second And Subjugated Gender

Women are the producers of mankind,  hence they should be respected the most but we see the opposite scene in our society. The Indian Society is not at all welcoming and respectable towards women. Even in 21st century women get to hear cruel words from society and even from their own parents such as ”  now she will argue for her rights, that’s why we shouldn’t provide education to girls”. This is so heart wrenching and depressing as a human being to be living in such society where people lack humanity.

The amount of ignorance, discrimination and  gender biasness women face in their daily lives is pathetic and makes me compelled to think that is it actually a curse to be born as a woman? The women in Indian society are treated as dirt, as if they don’t deserve anything and if they are provided with something for instance, education, they are expected to  consider it as a debt from their parents. 

Through this article, I want everyone of you to think does women actually deserves this treatment? My opinion is “respect women” around you. They deserve everything except your poor treatment towards them .

Dear women ,you fly, they will try their best to break your wings but you have to hold yourself stronger and create history!!!! 

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