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Times where Self-Love crossed the Limits of Self-obsession

Picture this. There’s a person who play around 2-3 instruments all by themselves instead of letting their band members play and also refuses to let anyone listen to their music (Because they believe that there’s nobody better than them to compliment their music). Well, I am talking about obsessive self-love here.

Why I am talking about it?

In a world where Self-love knows no boundary, there lies a town where the residents have taken the term “Self-love” to a toxic trait. Obsessive self-love is more like celebrating “Me Day” every day, and prioritizing other people less! there’s this quote that summarizes the concept of self-obsession, “Exposure to unwanted intrusions, neutralizing and their effects on self-worth and obsessive-compulsive phenomena” says Claire Ahern, M. Kyrios, D. Meyer.

Cons of Excessive Self Love:
No doubt, the people who are dearer to you are the victims! Anyone who tends to overdo the concept of self-love may hurt their close ones. And the saddest fact is that the closed one will tolerate their behavior. At one point their hearts get broken and they even leave, but chances are, the person who is spammed with the concept of self-love may still complain the close ones instead of accepting the blame or rectifying it.

You should care because…

Summing up!
Self-love is something that can heal yourself and others as well. So, if you know someone who’s critically obsessed with the term “self-love” please make sure if they are obsessed or if they are in control of their limits.

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