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Sleep: A Crucial Factor In Physical And Mental Well-Being

Approximately 50 to 70 million people are chronically deteriorating from sleep disorders and wakefulness, hindering regular functioning and sceptically affecting health and long lives. Around 90 distinct sleep disorders are present according to the International Classification of Sleep Disorders; almost all of these are marked by one of these symptoms that are excessive daytime sleepiness, and difficulty in initiating or maintaining sleep.

The aggregation of the long-term effects of loss of sleep and sleep disorders has been related to a wide range of harmful health consequences that include expanding the risks of hypertension, diabetes, obesity depression, heart attacks, and stroke. After doing some research for decades, the case can be positively made that sleep loss and sleep disorders have profound and widespread effects on health issues.

In this article, we are going to discuss or mainly focus on manifestations and prevalences, aetiology and risk factors, and comorbidities of the most common sleep conditions, which encompasses loss of sleep, there will be difficulty in breathing, insomnia, narcolepsy, restless leg syndrome, parasomnias, sleep-related psychiatric disorders, sleep-related neurological disorders. 


Usually, sleep loss occurs by sleeping less than 7 or 8 hours of sleep at night. The preeminent syndrome for this is more excessive sleep in the daytime, but another symptom includes a depressed mood and poor memory or concentration. Chronic sleep loss, while either it is a formal syndrome or a disorder, is a serious consequence related to health, performance and safety.

Loss of sleep is an eminently prevalent problem which is continuously worsening the frequency in individuals growing older. Recent studies have found that at least 18% of adults report that receive insufficient sleep. ironically, there have been a limited number of nationally representative surveys that provide reliable information on sleep patterns in the population.

For suppose we sleep less than four hours of sleep or 5 hours of sleep in men they will have smaller testicles. In case a man sleeps 45 hours they will get high in testosterone. If we are getting enough sleep for 7 to 8 hours we will be living for more than 10 or 50 years. 

There are some tests conducted on a few people after and before learning that are related to studies. After learning if we sleep or by taking a nap we will remember more effectively. Before studying or learning in case we sleep for some time we will remember so quickly. 

There is another study conducted on a few people by dividing them into two groups. In the first group, people conducted a test with 8 hours of sleep another group of people were made to not sleep but for them, they were not given any caffeine or coffee. when they did this people who had enough sleep had a higher rate of learning when compared to the other group with a 40% reduction in the learning rate of the memory.

In our brain, we will have the HippoCampus which is the information to the brain. In our deepest periods of sleep, there are sleep sandals. We will get strong waves as we get a good memory with a good memory.

 If we don’t get any deep sleep or normal sleep there are higher chances of getting dementia and we will become older than expected. Alzheimer’s is also another disease related to sleep. In this there is no sleeping pills are added to this as this will be so addictive. In case you are sleeping only for 4 to 5 hours there is a high risk of getting cardiovascular diseases. 


There are some natural killer cells which are similar to the secret agents like Bond 007. This kind of cell helps people which helps in killing the cells that cause the tumour cells of cancer. With the lack of sleep, the natural killer cells are reduced to 70%. WHO also confirmed that there is a reduction of these cells with the increase of cancerogen. If we sleep less we have short sleep.


Genetics have a significant influence on normal sleep and several sleep disorders. Genes regulate sleep by affecting neural functions, some studies have identified specific genes. These genes with lack of sleep will increase the effect of insomnia, narcolepsy, and obstructive sleep apnea. Research suggests that heritability may account for 31–58% of a person’s likelihood of experiencing insomnia.


The extent of sleep we require throughout our lifetime. This depends on our age and activity levels including our general health and lifestyle habits. At some particular point where during some periods of stress or illness, we will or may feel an increased need for sleep. Although sleep needs to differ over time and from person to person. 

Some people sleep more than required as this is one kind of medical disorder called hypersomnia. Whereas in insomnia people sleep less than required. This condition that is causing people to suffer from extreme sleepiness throughout the day which is not usually relieved by napping. It also causes them to sleep unusually long periods at night. Many people with hypersomnia experience symptoms of anxiety, low energy, and memory problems as a result of their almost constant need for sleep.

It does not mean that everyone who oversleeps more has a disorder of sleep. There could be other possible reasons for sleeping more including the use of certain substances like alcohol and medication. There are some other medical conditions such as depression, that can cause people to oversleep. 


Regardless of sleeping more or sleeping less, we need to practice good sleep hygiene that will help us reap healthy sleep of at least 7 hours every night. Maintaining regularity means sleeping at the same time and waking up at the same time. Also by avoiding the caffeine and alcohol close to bedtime. Doing the exercises regularly and making our bedrooms a comfortable environment that’s conducive to sleep will help us get the amount of sleep we need. Also maintaining our body temperatures at minimum cold temperatures that helps us to sleep more better.

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