Saurabh Sant Gyaneshwar Khobragade hailing from Chhattisgarh made a world record by compiling anthology book named “Under 25” in which all the co authors were of the age group below 25 and his name enters in the world record edition of INKZOID Book Of Records along with this he started his journey of writing from the Ashes of feeling and would like to express his emotions through the medium of words and shape them into shayaris and quote.
Lafz-e-Dil was his first anthology as Complier and He believe that it’s a great achievement for him. Along with this, he is Co- author of more than 75+ books and currently. He published his own solo book name “ Beautifully Splintered”. He is Podcasters and He is Promotional Executives of Scribbing Inner Voice You can connect him on Instagram @srbhkhbgd,Sb_talks.
He Received Omg Books Of Records certificate Of Participation For being author in the anthology “why” the day my life started complied by Saloni Singh and Ananya Singh and Omg Books of Records and Kalam’s World Records Certificate of participation for being a co-author in the anthology “incarnation” complied by Shreshta Rastogi. and He is the World Record Holder of Under-25 in the Inkzoid Books of Records with Grand Master Title.