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Implementing Strict Environmental Policies Is The Need Of The Hour

Implementing strict environmental policies must be one of the top priorities of the government right now. For example, the ban on single use plastic should be strictly implemented this time. Also, all the companies should be given incentives to switch from plastic packaging to a more ecofriendly alternative. Waste segregation and recycling of dry waste should be made MANDATORY by the government so that every citizen is compelled to follow it- perhaps the government could tie up with waste recycling NGOs. Also, the government needs to enforce laws regarding production of sanitary pads, gradually making it mandatory to use plant fibres and other biodegradable materials for the same.

Why I am talking about it?

I send my dry waste for recycling to an organisation called Bintix. I have tried promoting the same but only a handful have actually taken action. I have also conducted surveys to understand the mentality of people. What I have realised is – most people won’t take it seriously unless it is made compulsory but the government. 

I have started using biodegradable sanitary pads, but again, unless the government makes strict laws regarding the manufacturing of such products, most people are going to use the same old plastic based pads which dominate the entire market, either because of lack of awareness, or because they are a little cheap compared to their biodegradable counterparts. The majority of the urban  rich is still “penny-wise pound-foolish”, and the poor are unable to afford such products. So the government needs to look into the matter.

You should care because…

Because it is about conserving our environment, which is the need of the hour.

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