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Finding true Happiness

I am writing about our connect with nature. How we are trying to find happiness in material goods and getting temporary relief where as we should be turning towards nature to get solace.

Why I am talking about it?

True happiness is the elusive, golden bird that people in this volatile, busy world are desperately seeking. Finding happiness and peace has become a crusade for all and we are forever ready to sprint on whichever path to inner joy is shown to us.

Just like everyone else has their own take on where happiness can be found, I too have my humble thoughts about the matter. I feel that our happiness genuinely lies in our connection with nature and our connection with fellow human beings. If our relationship with both is strong and symbiotic then no amount of trouble can keep us down.

Since the very beginning, the human race has lived in perfect sync with nature. They have thrived by walking hand in hand with nature and each other. Early civilizations were established near rivers, our circadian rhythm matched pace with the Earth’s rotation, stars decided the course of ships, nourishment was taken directly from plants and animals and the world was a happy place for all. It wasn’t all hunky dory though, vagaries of nature did sometimes test human strength in a myriad of ways and we endeavored relentlessly to emerge from the trials, stronger, if not unscathed. The famous saying “what doesn’t kill us, makes us stronger” proved to be quite apt to the human race and they flourished like never before.

The advent of modernization made life definitely easier and richer for humans, but simultaneously, our desire for the new way of life made us lose touch with all that was actually precious. The popular adage,” Money cannot buy you happiness” is engraved on our mind and yet we tried to inundate ourselves and our loved ones in costly gadgets and other pricey materialistic things in the pursuit of happiness. Our soul though, knows for a fact, that what we actually need is closeness to nature and companionship. Which is why, even in the times where money can buy almost everything, where youngsters and adults alike are plied with all comforts imaginable and where you can make a new friend every minute anywhere in the world through social media : people are battling new ginormous enemies like stress , depression and loneliness. The glittery, starry city life may have given us ample luxuries but has also largely diminished our quality time and connection with friends, family, animals, trees and nature in general. This has led to an unrest inside us which doesn’t let us be completely happy and carefree.

The day we understand the true essence of life and forge our relationship with nature and our companions, the magic of happiness will be all around us forever and ever. Take small steps each day for a better tomorrow. Help nature by reducing pollution and your carbon footprint instead of buying more plastic, help yourself by going for walks and picnics in the neighbourhood park with your loved ones instead of playing video games. Hold hands lovingly with your life partner instead of fighting on mundane topics, listen to the sweet little things your child has been trying to tell you for days, hug your family warmly at night instead of sending them goodnight messages on your phone and you will most definitely become a better, fresher and happier version of yourself.

Remember that “true happiness” is not finding a dream world where everything is perfect and no harm can touch you. Real happiness is all about making your mind and body so strong that you are able to smile and sail through adversities without letting them shake your inner core. Real happiness stems from within us and radiates into our surroundings, when we create a safe haven replete with love, affection, respect and kindness for all living beings around us.

You should care because…

Because its the only thing which matters. If we dont rebuild our relation with nature then very soon we shall perish.

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