Prostitution differs from other works because sex and class are linked to each other,those who assert that sex work is work fail to consider the analysis of coerced sex in a capitalist society and wage slavery ,rape is the result of using money as the form of coercion along with sex as a commodity ,millions of men would have lined the streets if sex work was really a dream job ,since there are more jobs available in the traditionally masculine industry for them.
Is it because they aint subjected to the same economic pressure as women ?
Regardless of the framework it operates in ,not all work involves coercive sex ,or pose a threat or risk of male violence .
Women’s human rights are literally violated when they are denied the oppurtunity to earn a living without having to engaged in forced sex ,its disappointing to see that feminism cant cope up with a better way to use women’s power ,many women only support feminism when it caters to protect their individual interests ,without caring about the harm it may have on marginalised section of women
The people in first world countries ,urban areas ,likes the idea of imperial feminism ,,where they are not challenged ,this is why liberal feminism ,is so well liked ,the need to make everything empowering is the most damaging aspect of liberal feminism ,you can engage in the activity as a sex worker but lets not act like it doesnt have any repurcussions ,just because you feel good ,doesn’t mean that the work is empowering .
You can see liberal feminists discuss empowerment by engaging in porn ,prostitution gives them a sense of ”empowerment ”but let’s first learn what empowerment means ”it means the authority or power given to someone by a higher authority to do something ” so ,yeah ,this authority is also given by some higher authority ,yes it is reliant on serving male interests ,the liberal feminist idea of empowerment doesnt actually represent empowerment .
Breanne fahs once stated that ”if men’s patriarchal fantasies dominate the field of sexuality and men’s fantasy becomes normative and widespread ,this leads to women internalising men’s into feeling accepted ,loved and perhaps objectified and sexualised ”
Liberal feminism and the people with its adopted ideologies are equally as harmful as the misogynist men ,in simple words ,they are nothing but the guard dog of patriarchy .
The poor women ,the women of color want this current status quo to undergo a change ,yet liberal feminists ignore and downplay their concerns ,choice feminism prioritizes the demands and views of liberal feminists ,,based on individual freedom ,as they know that its not appropriate for them to establish the consensus among women ,feminism aint about individual choice but to mend the collective needs ,the liberal feminists show the determination to keep the women at top ,but hide their desire to prevent the current status quo to undergo a change,its a feminism of the ruling class women,colonial feminism ,if carefully analysed ,and this needs to be decolonised ,
Liberal feminism just promotes the upper class women to proceed and tends to their needs instead of actually working towards a collective change,they dont realise that its not just about the women in west ,but also about the women in third world countries,
Now arises other argument ,that is ,the argument of sex work being consensual.
let’s procees towards bursting this myth ,
consent is a sex positive word which ignores the fact that its a legal doctrine and at the end its the women who end up with the burden of proving that they didnt consent ,people need to understand that patriarchy cant accept a woman’s ”no”,it never said that women cant consent ,consent is many times obtained with coercion or just by sexual stimulation ,consent can be obtained through manipulation ,there are a lot of predators who rely on consent to take advantage of a woman and her state and when they get questioned ,instances have been recorded where they have said that she ”consented ”now libfems would argue that they have boundaries ,the answer is ”no” there arent any boundaries ,these predators struggle to respect boundaries ,men often say ”not all men” ofc not all men but enough for all of us to be scared.
The mindset that results in high sexual and physical abuse is that they think that sex workers are consenting for the activity ,the thing is ,that the sex buyers via money are buying there consent ,they dont care about the unwillingness of the sex worker,some have naively molded themselves into thinking that it’s empowering due to libfems ,while a large section of women still waits for a better future ,
Through the monetary exhchange their bodies are seen as commodities ,the consent trick is too powerful among the abusive males ,patriarchy and capitalism go hand in hand ,if your goal is just to become a man’s equal ,you should keep that feminism to yourself instead of circulating it
In a system that’s built to commodify women’s bodies for the enjoyment of others ,guidelines wont ever be enough ,also the sex work promoters are side by side promoting human trafficking ,,once the body of the woman is trafficked its already pre-assumed that the women indulging in sexual activities at brothels and other activities have already consented to that activity ,after talking to a sex worker it came to our attention that the young girls ,barely 14 ,are impregnated in order to make their body undergo through some change ,and then the kid is aborted ,in some cases if the child is born ,they are left to decide their own fate in orphanage ,after aging the women who lose their bodily charm are thrown out ,and they sell themselves on streets to earn a living ,so white supremacist and libfem literally need to stop being the guard dog of patriarchy and stop the normalisation ,its not about the minority of women willing to operate OF pages in first world countries ,its about the countless oppressed women ,who are constantly being preyed on ,and are waiting for the change of status quo and relief ,it’s not about individual choice,but collective need ,it’s about the need to dismantle capitalism and patriarchy ,it’s a call for the revolution of the proletariat .