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Political Leaders And The Ignorance Of Women Abuse In India

Trigger Warning: Mentions of gender based violence, rape

The recent case involving JDS MP Prajwal Revanna has cast a glaring spotlight on a deeply entrenched issue: the egregious abuse of women by those in positions of power. The rights of women are being shattered by the very people they are choosing to be their voice. The case details, as horrid as they are, uncover a disturbing truth about our society. A predator who abused women is rewarded with a political candidacy by the very party that claims to prioritize their safety. This sickening betrayal exposes the emptiness of their promises. Behind the glitz of rallies and fiery speeches lurks a horrifying reality: women’s empowerment remains a distant dream.

It’s a tale as old as time – the powerful turning a blind eye to the plight of the powerless. But in the case of women abuse, this ignorance is not just negligence; it’s complicity. Political leaders, with their influence and authority, possess the power to enact real change, yet too often, they choose to remain silent spectators to the injustice that plagues our society.

We demand harsher penalties for rapists, clamor for justice with cries for death sentences for those who perpetrate cruelty against women, and yet, the very individuals entrusted with making these pivotal decisions stand accused of the most heinous crimes. The MP in question didn’t just violate these women; he systematically preyed upon them, exploiting their vulnerability, and callously disregarding their dignity.

Why I am talking about it?

A monstrous truth shattered the facade of a powerful family – A former PM’s family. A leaked pen drive revealed over 3,000 videos – horrifying evidence of Revanna’s debauchery.

The details are gut-wrenching. A woman, loyal to the family for generations, was brutally raped by both father and son. Seeking solace from his son, she found only further abuse from the patriarch. Another young woman was blackmailed and forced into repeated sexual acts for four agonizing months.

These victims, silenced by fear, knew reporting their assaults would be futile. Revanna’s power ensured his escape from justice, while their lives would be shattered. This is the man we entrusted to represent us, the man who claims to champion women’s safety.

But a chilling question hangs in the air: Why? Why would a predator advocate for the very protection he so blatantly violates? Why would he fight for a death-penalty for a crime he is doing for so many years?

You should care because…

The case not only uncovered the abuse of those few women. It uncovered the truth that the leaders we are choosing to fight for our rights, our security and our empowerment are the ones who are destroying them.

For every woman who has been silenced, every victim whose cries for justice have fallen on deaf ears, we must hold our leaders accountable. We must demand more than just empty promises and token gestures. We must demand action – real, meaningful action that brings about tangible change in the lives of those who have suffered for far too long.

So, to our esteemed political leaders, I say this: the time for ignorance is over. The time for excuses and empty rhetoric has passed. It’s time to acknowledge the reality of women abuse in India and to take decisive steps towards eradicating it once and for all. Because until we do, we are all complicit in the perpetuation of this injustice. And that is a burden no society should bear.

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