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My Questions About God Existence

Is there proof that God exists?

Most of the people believe in their personal God, that has specific name. Which can’t be a God.

Everyone can have their personal God which is a different thing. God should be the creator of universe.

Let’s jump to the real question that many People says God is the one who is the creator and controller of the Universe. And he lives everywhere. If this is the God in actual then I have some question.

Question1. If God has created the Universe then who created the God, if God has been created by itself then Universe can be created by on its own, then we don’t need God?

Question 2. Some people says if you believe in God then there is God if you don’t believe then there is no God.

So my question is if belief in God proves existence of God then I believe Moon is bigger than Sun. Is it true? Absolutely not, so how only belief in something can prove its existence?

Question 3. Why God created our Universe or anything?

Question 4. If God is everywhere then why there are Medical Disorders, Natural disasters, earthquake, tsunami etc. Why God doesn’t stops these?

If he can’t stop these means he is impotent, so we don’t need impotent God.

If he can stop but he doesn’t stop because he has given free will to human, it means he is sadist and enjoys to watch people in pain.

Maybe he doesn’t exist so he doesn’t stops this.

Question 5. If you say God has given us free will to do anything, he doesn’t control our actions, that’s why crime and all things are act of human beings not of God,

Alright! Now I want to ask that Tsunami, Volcano, Earthquake, Flood, Asteroid Bang on Earth  are really controlled by human beings?. If not then why God doesn’t Stop these incidents. Why is he killing innocent organisms?

Question 6. If God has given free will to everyone then if 1 year old infant got murdered, how they can protect herself, what free will God has given to her.

If blood cancer happens to an infant and he fights with it, then does God has given same free will to the cancer child as compared to any normal child??

Question 7. If God gives punishment of work then what wrong a 2 year child has done, so that he got blood cancer.

Why God doesn’t punish rapists, bomb blasters.

Question 8. If you say that 2 year child is getting punishment of his previous life crimes, or so called KARMA, then will she stop doing crime in present life by remembering that I got cancer because of crimes of my previous life?

Please explain to God that this process is not working well.

Question 9. Is there any criminal in the whole world who stops himself from doing crime because he suddenly reminds punishment of his previous life that he got cancer or became donkey due to crimes he has done 1 life before his previous life?

Question 10. If we don’t remembers our previous life than what is the use of this? Does this previous life fake theory ever produced positive impact on any criminal activities in the world?

Eg. Also how it stops someone doing crime, like if someone rape a girl in 1st birth, so God made him donkey in 2nd birth, so in 3rd birth when he become human being, will he stops himself doing rape/crime again by memorizing that I was donkey in previous life due to the crimes I had done one life before previous life? No, Never ! It means previous life concept is either wrong or useless phenomenon.

Q11. If God has created the Universe then why he created it in such a way as we can see today, why Universe follow laws of physics, why God made such laws, because Universe could be arranged in infinite such patterns so why God arranged in this fix pattern as we see today. How can a God can reach to a point, that gravity should be attractive force, even if it will become repulsive in future but still it will follow a pattern(laws), how and why God follows a pattern, because God can’t be bound by any laws? If God is bound by laws then laws must be superior than God.

Q12. Our Universe follow laws of physics means Universe arranged in a fixed pattern, so if God existed then pattern should be broken because God can’t exist in a fix pattern, if you think God exist in same pattern as our Universe, so if one day this pattern will break, then what will happen to God. If something exist outside our Universe like multiverse and follow different patterns or different laws of physics, then which Universe creator you will call God, there will be Multi-God for multiverse. Then there may be Super-God for superverse. Then who created superverse and there will be infinite superverse. This will a infinite loop of existence.

Actually God can’t come to a point to take a decision that Universe 1 will follow pattern A and Universe 2 will follow pattern B.

Existence of God is itself contradictory in Universe because Universe follow a pattern(laws) and God can’t follow laws, he must be infinite, amorphous, undefined, unseen, non understandable. In this way God can’t exist or can’t make a Universe that follows some pattern(laws). If whole Universe start dancing without any laws of physics or any pattern then we can think God is doing that but then again a question comes why and how Universe is dancing. And also that dance can follow a fix pattern(law) again.

God can’t follow fix laws, can’t exist in randomness, because he should know what’s going there, nothing can be random here.

So if you think God exists then it should break the laws of Universe but laws are still being followed in our Universe. It means God doesn’t exist?

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