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Continuance from last article.

1. Hold the door for the person behind you.

2.Never Lick your knife, fork and spoon.

3.keep supply of thanks you note when someone gives you gift.

4.Never take a roll from the breakfast without offering it to others first.

5.Be punctual

6.Let someone go infront of you in que.

7.put your phone away during meals,Social gatherings and in classes.

8.Always RSVP and do it right away before you forgot.

9. Dress for the occasion: Neither overdressed nor underdressed. 

10.Return your shopping cart to the corral instead  of leaving it in the parking.

11.push in your chair when you leave the table.

12.Offer to help clean up.

13.Ask before drinking a guest.

14.Apologise when you are wrong.

15.wait until everyone has been served before you begi eating.

16.Be kind to the server.

17.Don’t put your feet on someone else’s furniture. 

18. Let people get off the elevator before you get on.

19.Don’t groom yourslef in public. 

20. Don’t talk with your mouthful of food.

21.Return the money that you borrow before the asking of the person.

22.Never order the most expensive item on the menu if you are not going to pay the bill.

23.Never give advice unless asked.

24.Treat the janitor with the same respect as the CEO.

25.When someone shows you picture on thier phone don’t swipe left or right. 

26. Don’t spit in public. 

27.Offer help anyone struggling to stow thier luggage. 

28. Don’t double dip at the party.

29. Respect everyone’s personal space.

30.Talk less listen more.

31. Don’t  stare.

32. Keep your words : be a man of words.

33. Keep your voice down while walking aisles anywhere and never slam the door of any room.

34. Avoid finishing other people’s sentences.

35. Say “excuse me ” or “pardon ” aftertou brup or pass gas.

36. If someone offers you something, take it even if you don’t like atleast a pinch of it.

37.Treat people how you want to be treated .

38. If you have more than you need share with others.

39. Always say thank you for showing your graciousness. 

40. Assume best of people. 

41. Send thank you note within 48 hours of meeting or event.

42. If you use public toilet tidy it up for the next person.

43. If someone in rush to get in your lane while driving ?let them in.

44. If you are going for dinner at someone’s house don’t forget to take some gift with you.

45. If you borrow something return it with little  extra.

46.Accept the other people’s apologies .

Why I am talking about it?

 Etiquette plays crucial role in our life and we should  learn and implement them in life.

You should care because…

 Readers should take it into consideration as it will help them to polish thier personality. 

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