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Surviving The Political Noise

Have you ever felt overwhelmed by the constant barrage of political chatter? The promises, the debates, the endless cycle of rhetoric – it can feel like too much to bear. As I look around, I can’t help but wonder if I’m the only one feeling this way. Are you also feeling lost in the noise of politics?

In a world where some seem completely unfazed by the upcoming elections, I find myself consumed by anxiety. As the 2024 general elections draw nearer, my worry only intensifies. Political debates and news these days are enough to make anyone’s head spin. There’s no sign of meaningful discussions, instead there’s only more name-calling and mud-slinging. It’s embarrassing to think of these as the leaders of our country. Sometimes, I envy those who seem blissfully ignorant of the turmoil surrounding us. Perhaps it would be easier to blindly follow these leaders, to fall for their empty promises and self-promotion.

It’s not just about who will win or lose – it’s about the erosion of our collective humanity amidst the political frenzy. Riots, lives lost, and vandalism seem to affect no one anymore, and I can’t help but wonder if this is how it’s always been, or if things have taken a turn for the worse.

The rise of religious tensions adds another layer of unease. I struggle to understand who our leaders are protecting our religions from. I’ve never felt my beliefs under threat before, yet now, divisions within my own circle are becoming more pronounced due to the ongoing radicalization. And, as I watch the younger generation become increasingly drawn to radical ideologies and violent acts, I can’t help but wonder – is this the result of our country’s political atmosphere, or is it simply a reflection of our own self-interest?

Amidst the chaos and confusion, the question that always comes to my mind is, What can I do? I don’t seem to find any answer to it, but I feel that pouring out my thoughts might give my mind some ease. I may not change the world, but it’s a small act of defiance against the prevailing apathy. I hold onto hope that someday, people will awaken before our differences tear our country apart.

As I grapple with these questions, I can’t shake the feeling that we may never truly embody the spirit of “We The People Of India”.

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