Site icon Youth Ki Awaaz

Bringing about Total Revolution

Wealth and Power are two myths

We are what we were 10000 years ago in forests. Nobody is wealthy and nobody is powerful. We have covered our naked bodies and present ourselves as wealthy and powerful. Because people around us believe that we are wealthy and powerful so we are wealthy and powerful. It is because police and army personnel who come from ordinary families provide us and our establishments that we are wealthy and powerful. A slight twist in consciousness will level everything. The World does not need Politicians, Capitalists and Clergy- all social needs of human beings can be managed effectively by dedicated workers. The engineers, managers, doctors, teachers, software engineers and other experts and their assistants may run human World.

To begin with a date and time will be fixed initially each year and then every month when all the people of the World will come out of their house and will march to a central place in their city and village and will assemble there and will declare that we all are true rulers of the World and we all are equal and brothers and sisters to each other. Then they will plan and discuss how we can run the industry and business of their area.

They will divide themselves into societies to look after following departments:

Food for All

Water for All

Clothing for All

Housing for All

Health for All

Energy for All

Transport for All

Communication for All

Security for All

Environment for All

Law & Justice for All

Education for All

Recreation for All

One day all people of the World will cross the borders making one World without Borders and dethroning all dictators and kings and theocrats coming in the way.

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