As a youth, we have to face various kinds of issues, and among those – career issues cover the major area of our life.
80 percent of a human being’s life is about career. We go to school, study well and develop our personality so that one day we can get a good job. Relationships, family life, personal hobbies and interests all are and have to be given a second priority.
But what happens when we face a lot of rejections when it comes to finding and settling down in a career.
There are some mindsets you need to adopt – these can help you deal with career rejections in a healthy way
Don’t fall into addictions – This is the first mindset you need to have. Say no to anything that can cause you to become an addict. Be it watching or even binge watching youtube or be it pornographic websites. Or even playing video games as well. We are in an age where everything is available to us – either good or bad. So be careful and develop addiction free habits.
Wake up early – Waking up early will aid you in becoming disciplined. This discipline will help you when you ultimately get a job. If you are someone who hates waking up early – then do something that you like in the morning. And gradually, you will soon end up becoming habitual to waking up early.
Rejections are never personal – Whenever your application gets rejected, you may feel that you are worthless and useless. But there is nothing about you going on here. If a company or an emplyer rejects you – then that doesn’t mean you are useless. It only means that your skills don’t align with the job you applied for. Instead of feeling sorry for yourself, apply to jobs that match your skillset. Or tweak your resume so that it suits or matches the job profile you are applying for.