Mansi Khare, renowned for her distinctive saree-clad persona, has carved a niche for herself in the realm of content creation. Hailing from Banda, Uttar Pradesh, Mansi’s journey has been marked by significant challenges since her early years. Born into a financially constrained family, Mansi experienced the hardships of poverty firsthand. Her father’s income at the time of her birth was a meager Rs 500, underscoring the economic struggles that defined her upbringing.
Time passed, and Mansi’s father got a job in Gorakhpur. The situation improved a little here. But even now, the time is not in Mansi’s favor. A family friend used to come to give her tuition. Their intentions were not noble. He used to touch Mansi inappropriately, and Mansi did not like it at all.
Tuition teacher misbehaved
Mansi started getting misbehaved during tuition. The teacher whom Mansi used to call uncle and who used to touch her inappropriately, which was very unbearable, After this, the same behavior started happening with Mansi’s sister as well. But both the sisters were unable to muster the courage to tell their mother. But one day, when things went beyond limits, Mansi gathered courage and told all this to her mother, and her mother stopped the tuition.
She wanted to become an engineer, but…
Mansi was the second child of her parents; earlier, she had a brother who was doing engineering. Mansi also had a strong desire to do engineering, but due to financial constraints and the fact that her brother was doing engineering, Mansi could not do engineering and had to take admission in BCA through distance education. At this time, she also had to do a part-time job. In which she got only Rs 2500 salary. Mansi did this part-time job for about 3 years.
Mansi came to Gurugram in 2015
Mansi came to Gurugram after finishing her graduation. This is from 2008. At this time, she had a job worth Rs 8 thousand. But Mansi had no idea how difficult it was to live in Gurugram with a salary of Rs. 8,000. That’s why Mansi used to do part-time work along with her job. Apart from this, she also used to edit videos, which helped her a lot financially. Mansi used to work a lot of overtime in her job, due to which she started getting good money.
She got support from her husband after marriage
In 2016, she started getting a lot of marriage pressure from her house. Mansi got fed up with this and started meeting boys through online websites. But here too, boys started meeting her with the wrong intentions. But after a long search, she also found a good boy, with whom Mansi’s life changed to a great extent. Mansi got married in April 2017. After this, Mansi’s life took a different turn. Mansi started a jewelry business. In this, Mansi used to sell jewelry with the help of Instagram and used to bring the goods from Sadar Bazaar alone. After all this, Mansi’s husband advised her to start YouTube. But this step was also not easy for Mansi.
Mansi-Loves-Fashion started in 2019
Mansi was doing her jewelry business very well. But now her husband says that she should represent herself on YouTube. For this, Mansi uploaded her first simple video on YouTube on May 4, 2019. After this, Mansi started giving equal time to YouTube and Instagram. One of the best results that Mansi got was that she achieved 100k followers on both Instagram and YouTube simultaneously.
Left job in 2021
Now a time had come when Mansi was not able to manage both her work and YouTube simultaneously. So Mansi made a big decision in her life, and she left the job. After this, she started devoting all her time to YouTube. Mansi also faced a lot of problems from her in-laws. But even at such times, Mansi and her husband acted wisely. Mansi also asked her husband to leave his job and start YouTube. Nowadays, both Mansi and her husband work full-time on YouTube and earn money. Today, this is the reason why Mansi has lakhs of followers on Instagram and about 3 lakh subscribers on YouTube. This is a big success in Mansi’s life. If you want to hear the whole story from Mansi herself, then visit Josh Talks’ YouTube channel.
Watch Talk: “उन्होंने कहा! मैं तो टच करूंगा तुम देख लो”
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