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Poetry: Are You Wide Awake To Participate In Democratic Celebration ?

Once again the general election is about to come

Are you wide awake to participate in democratic celebration.?

this is not just a right to cast your vote but something very special put in your throat.

So as to you sing a song in unison that we are on the prosperous journey of this very nation.

As soon as India rose as a sovereign land.

A universal adult franchise was envisioned.

This led to one vote , one value for the whole nation. 

Do you even care for the privileged temptation. ?

It is very painful when someone tempered you in the name of caste,creed or religion.

Do you ever think that the whole building of democracy depends on your ‘right to vote’ passion ?

When you use your franchise means you are on the path of saving the nation.

Indeed your vote leads to nourishes the democratic values of the current situation.

It is your duty to protect the texture of secularism ,liberty of press , the concept of social justice and the freedom of democratic institutions .

Economic growth,jobs, and health even this can be insured through your wealth (Franchise).

Hence I do urge you to come and vote wisely and purposefully.

Afresh general election is about to come .

Are you wide awake to participate in celebration?

 By Sneh Sagar 

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