Developing a habit is difficult, particularly in this modern environment. Everyone are in the midst of chaos to chase lies opportunities. But each habit on a person can build their empire differently. Below are some tips on how you can achieve your habits slowly but surely :
1. Write down 12 goals for a year – Make a list of the 12 habits you want to develop, they might be anything from:- 2 liter per day, hit the bed before 10pm, save 50 dollar per month, read a page per day, 3x workout per week and so on.
2. Apply 1 habit per month – Practice doing one of the easiest habit you have written for the first month continuously for 30 days.
3. Adopt second habit – Once you finished 30 days, now pick one more habit and work on it in second month together, which mean you’ll need to practice the two habits you’ve chosen and dedicate yourself to them on the second month.
4. Continue the steps for 12 months – Continue following the same procedures, adding one new habit per month to your practice list, without realizing that you’ve mastered 12 habits in a year.
Highlight : Remember consistency is the key to achieve anything. Keep on practice and achieve something every time.