Headline 1: Girls have once again outshined boys in class 12 CBSE results
Headline 2: only 32% of married women aged between 15 to 49 years are employed
It clearly indicates that the Headline 1 is just a piece of paper and India is still not getting the most intelligent human force at work. The reason may social or personal but it’s high time to look into it.
Recently, I came upon an article in a provincial daily written by one of my favourite journalists. There’s a reason why the lovely sentence “girls have once again overshined boys” that she wrote is true. When a person is faced with the decision between becoming a housewife and performing a lot of household chores for free or earning respect and dignity, they must act or perish, and the majority of girls are only in this circumstance.
Well, it’s not the topic of my discussion over here but I would like to see the change and strategy to be prepared.
Question raised:
1) What’s meaning of education. Can’t we say it’s still revolve around getting good groom.
2) Women are still financially dependent and those who are doing job have no security of job. How one can even think about amendment in law made for women.
3) India is dreaming to be a developed country but most talented task force are sitting at home.
4) Child marriage ! Physical relationship without consent is rape but if its arrange marriage its not!