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Global Perspective

Has Supreme Court began to over reach and over react to executive adventurism standing as a conscious guard against practices and moves intended to weaken and rupture the very fabric of our constitution on which the whole idea of democracy is premised. Recent verdict by the apex court on the range of issues is a reference point to how the judiciary has warned at the threats and danger of a dispensation of an executive exercise that aims at wielding and monopolising power at the cost of those whom it seeks to address and represent. From, one nation to one election to citizenship amendment act the concern of current regime looks highly misplaced and misappropriated for piety political means and end refusal for consultation and deliberation with stakeholders alike portraying the very purpose and intent of centre at large. Clearly showing how there has been a tectonic shift in the definition and description of a judiciary which has become proactive in the face of an unexplained quest by the judiciary to dominate every aspect and sphere of an individual with the emergence of a surveillance state that fears an empowered citizenry contesting the abuse and violation of their rights and dignity. Globally, there has been upsurge with more and more number of states subscribing and adhering to this kind of trait and tendency from Hungary to Russia banking on nativism, hyper nationalism and religious chauvinism as an instrument for seeking obedience and loyalty from its population as fraction for Right has reached at its highest peak. I understand democratic centrist parties need to venture out in the process of inventing and innovating themselves for a better clarity of public opinion and perception catering to their agenda, objective and interest. It is here that mainstream political parties and formations pale and lag behind primarily it’s their task to mobilize, galvanize and rally support of electorate on matters such as education, healthcare, employment, food etc catching hold of the plot with the Right exploiting it for furthering it’s gains as the buck stops on the traditional parties who are yet to come off their cocoon for their objectivity and less for their subjectivity and their ineptness in seizing the narrative they find themselves quite reduced and limited.

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