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Oh, not again…


This one almost got me flying, you must be wondering – What does an earpiece know about flying?

Let me introduce myself – I am Bali, not the lush island, but that’s what my owner has dubbed me for as long as I can remember.

Well, I have known her since childhood, her childhood, the day she got me put in her soft little red ears, tears in her eyes as the local baliwala pierced through her ears. Initially, it was hard for both of us, But we got closer as time passed. And soon I was there with her in all her big small events.

I witnessed her journey from innocence to sorrow. The milestones she celebrated, I shared in her joy, but it was her shattered dreams that resonated within me. Society groped her tight, suffocating her aspirations, and directing her to a life dictated by societal norms.

She gave up her passions, held back by religion. She missed out on education, dismissed because of society. She avoided love and was looked down upon by the norms of her community.

I saw it all happen.

The trauma stayed with her, carved into who she was and affecting me too. Every cruel word, every hit, left a scar. And even though I wanted to protect her from all of it, I could only watch, powerless to step in and help.

Married at such a young, all she expected from a partner, the bare minimum was empathy and love. All she received were taunts and disappointments. I recall feeling the tremors of her despair, distinct from any before.

Today is the first time she removed me, away from her red clingy ears. I have been kept aside, far from my friend. It’s a lonely afternoon, she has had enough. yearn to offer a final whisper of comfort, for losing her, losing a friend, losing my home. But my attempts are a waste. As I slip from her grasp and fall to the hard ground, I know she’s surrendered to the darkness. My fall was the last melody she heard.

They questioned her motives, and interrogated everyone but me. After all, who mourns the loss of an earpiece?

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