Yendurivari Pallem, a remote village in Prakasam district, Andhra Pradesh, has been rampant with caste-based discrimination for years. The plight of the Dalit community in the village is particularly concerning, with issues like lack of proper roads, non-functional water tanks, and restricted access to public spaces.
Y.T. Anjaneyulu, a 58-year-old Dalit man, has been actively fighting against these injustices. He, along with the Grama Abhivrudhi committee, has been raising awareness about the problems faced by the Dalit community through signature campaigns, rallies, and surveys.
On March 20, 2024, Anjaneyulu was attacked by upper-caste villagers for simply having his house drain connected to the public canal. The attackers dragged him out of his house and verbally abused him. Anjaneyulu, who has a history of heart problems, collapsed and was admitted to the Yeragondapalem government hospital.
Anjaneyulu’s wife filmed the incident and registered a complaint with the police. However, the initial complaint was rejected. With the intervention of the KVPS, an organisation fighting against social discrimination, an FIR was finally registered under the SC/ST Atrocities Act on March 22, 2024.
In a shocking turn of events, the upper-caste villagers, wielding their influence, filed a counter-complaint against Anjaneyulu, accusing him of filming their women while bathing. This tactic of filing false complaints to silence victims is a common thread in caste-related violence cases.
The DSP has initiated a preliminary inquiry. The victim’s family awaits a thorough investigation into the caste-based discrimination prevalent in Yendurivari Pallem. They urge the authorities to drop the fabricated charges against Anjaneyulu, punish the perpetrators of the violence, and ensure equal rights for the Dalit community, including access to public roads, proper drainage systems, and the freedom to use public spaces.
The story of Y.T. Anjaneyulu serves as a stark reminder of the ongoing struggle for equality and justice in India’s villages, where caste-based discrimination continues to permeate the fabric of society. It is time for action, solidarity, and unwavering commitment to upholding the principles of equality and justice for all.