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Chirag Paswan

Chirag Paswan who never gets exhausted and tired calling and branding himself as ‘Modi ka hanuman’ is reportedly being miffed of skipping PM Modi,s Begusarai rally invite. Secondly, a delay a seat sharing pact between NDA constituents has made him wary and jittery with even smaller and significant players like Manjhi and Kushawaha raising the banner demanding their share of pie. Bhartiya Janta Party, largest player in the NDA fold is bidding to buy time by sitting on the consensus and consultation for seat sharing. Keeping everyone guessing it is basically refusing and refraining from disclosing its prior motive and agenda as Nitish babu is a tough customer and anything less than his worth can wreck a havoc to BJPs Bihar mission of sealing victory in all of state’s forty parliamentary constituencies. Winning thirty nine of forty parliamentary seats in the state previously they do know what it would means to get to the finish line with opposition RJD keeping a close tab and track of the developments indirectly throwing an offer to LJP scion Chirag Paswan to not delay any further. Buoyed by the success of Grand Alliance ‘s Gandhi Maidan rally Tejashwi’s political profile has only got enhanced and enriched catapulting him into a leader well versed in the knitty and gritty of practical politics. However, it’s still a long way to go for him as for a political uncertainty in Bihar nothing concrete appears to be coming out as Nitish babu’s simultaneous election pitch in the state- loksabha and parliamentary elections acting as a barometer for measuring his popularity and acceptance amongst the electorate has become a central plank on which sushaasan babu is riding high as for Chirag,s dilemma to engage and involve with him politically and electorally against whom he fielded most of his candidates damaging prospects of JDU’s key influential figures bringing it’s really to an all time low of forty three. Choices before Chirag are few and limited as he can’t afford to prolong his action and decision exposing his unwillingness in reacting and reaching to actions and decisions in quick succession with a solid vote base of backwards and most backwards it’s him donning the hat at this moment as one expect some clarity and conviction at his end.

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