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“Life Doesn’t End After A Divorce”

Dear Self,

Conflicts in this world are inevitable, which may not always allow you a happy ending; the same thing goes for marriage.According to Jennifer Weiner, “Divorce isn’t such a tragedy, because nobody has ever died of divorce.” You face different societal waves.As you chose to step out of the conflict, you are crowned with an invisible label on your forehead as a divorcee and raised eyebrows all around.

On the other hand, the so-called societal clock keeps ticking as you are ageing. The wave around you is full of all your friends, cousins and even juniors who are pairing off and getting married, or probably one step further, getting a kid. Now they are “complete”!

Around that time what you are doing, is travelling around to attend the weddings, buying the bridesmaid dresses and attending the functions timidly, to avoid any controversial questions regarding your failed marriage. You are basically an odd one out and the “masala”topic of discussion for all the over empathetic aunties around, all because you considered to save yourself over a daily regret. You are no longer an apt example in the family as you decided to give life a second chance by not succumbing to the societal “married” tag.

Loneliness encroaches upon you, but you put your game face on. To beat the loneliness, you plunge forward to reset your career, which has been deeply impacted due to your mental unavailability all this while.

Life continues; the regular empathy calls reduce gradually from every day one or almost none in a month. Everyone has a life… do you!

Then starts the next phase; you come across a person all of a sudden. You start feeling that a second chance is worth it all. With lot of fighting with your own self, you finally feel its worth giving your heart a second chance to fall, in fact, rise in love with that person for the very first time.

That is the moment you medicate the deep wound in your heart and allow it to heal; and heal it good! You start believing that the goodness in you is still visible and appreciated. Love in you is still respected. Demands from you seem to fade away with the colours of hope, reassurance, trust and friendship. That person slowly becomes an important part of your own small little world.

You are now all set to recorrect, replan and restart this all-new life with this person who came in as a silver lining amidst your dark clouds. This is the time when you are your own decision maker. The path, as always, is not a newly constructed highway of course! Reconstruct your outlook, reshape your career, remake your life goals and rebuild your “home”. You are and always were “complete” yourself. It’s just that you let the door of your heart be a little open and allow the change to happen. Life is beautiful, pain is beautiful, you are beautiful and love is beautiful!

With Love,


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