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An Open Letter To Odisha’s CM Urging Free Bus Commute For Women And Transwomen


As key architect of Mission Shakti, your government has been instrumental in working steadfastly towards making Odisha a State that empowers women offering them equal opportunities. Your own efforts in bringing about a transformative impact through Mission Shakti are commendable. We also laud the priority that Mission Shakti is being accorded under your leadership as the 3rd pillar of the state’s economy. 

While great strides have been made in realizing the “Ama Odisha, Nabin Odisha” schemes under your leadership through the 5T initiatives, we believe that women must be enabled to engage more actively for society and the economy without which, the state will remain bereft of the potential of its vast citizen power. 

As you are aware, women of Odisha even as they are enterprising and have entrepreneurial aspirations face considerable challenges when it comes to being financially independent. The 78th ‘Multiple Indicator Survey in India’ by NSSO shows that around 57.4 percent of the state’s women in the age group of 15 to 29 years are Not in Education, Employment, or Training. 

Lack of affordable mobility compounds further their ability to access education, healthcare and employment, reinforcing their poor financial condition and inability to thrive to their fullest potential. No wonder then that the state’s female labour force participation rates (FLPRs) have been low, both in rural (15.2%) and in urban (13.4%) areas. These are 2.5% points below the national FLPR average as per the 2017-18 data available. 

However, women, when provided with free-of-cost commute options do experience enhanced mobility and safety leading to their accessing opportunities in all aspects including education, employment, livelihood and becoming active participants in the state’s economy. In your own words, if “India is to be an advanced nation like America and China, women empowerment is the only answer.” The State of Odisha can lead from the front, in creating affordable systems that support women to lead their lives with enhanced mobility.  

We ask you to champion the cause of free bus transport for women in Odisha, which will ensure gender equality, help foster inclusivity and empower women economically besides being a growth engine for the State. 


Prachi Mishra and Pranay Manjari

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