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Poem: “Nature Is Divine”


Nature is divine,

It knows no mine and thine.

It tell us to give ,

and expect nothing in return.

not to cry over lost things ,

and wait for our turn.

The fallen leaves tell us,

about continous change.

The firm standing tree,

tell us never to be hopeless again.

The falling of water droplets

in form of rain,

Teaches us to surrender to almighty and

there is so much to gain.

The river tell us to go with the flow,

or else stagnation will ruin it in one go.

The ants though voiceless,

teach us to value our action.

to keep working hard,

in unison and with passion.

The rising Sun teaches us to shine,

But along with its sunset it says -nothing is more powerful than mighty time .

Humans are brilliant,

but nature is divine.

There is so much to learn ,

that will might take up our entire lifetime!

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