12th “Failures” is undeniably one of the most captivating and thought- provoking movies ever made, transcending the boundaries of conventional storytelling to deliver a powerful and resonant cinematic experience. The film’s brilliance lies not only i its compelling narrative but also in its exceptional character development and masterful direction.
What sets “12 Failures” apart as a cinematic masterpiece is its ability to delve deep into the human psyche, exploring themes of resilience, self-discovery, and the triumph of the human spirit in the face of adversity. The characters are portrayed with such authenticity and depth that they cease to be mere actors on screen; they become vessels through which the audience can vicariously experience a myriad of emotions.
The storyline in this movie was very sensational and heartening. In this movie the consequences or obstacles of a poor student Manoj (Vikrant Massey) from a remote village Bilgoan in Chambal going through the route to becoming an IPS Officer in this inspirational saga. He comes from a lower middle-class family where his dad is fighting his legal battles, his mom, and siblings lives. With him things are comparatively simple till the local Inspector Dushyant (Priyanshu Chatterjee) bans mass copying.
Then he got some sort of motivation by seeing the inspector with honesty and bravery and also a generous person he has ever met. However, the incident leaves him inspired and at the next attempt, he takes the examination honestly. Dad Ranveer (Harish Khanna) and Mom (Geeta Aggarwal) find the tides in Chambal tough. Grandma (the talented Sarita Joshi) is the tough nut who brooks no nonsense and imbibes the fighting spirit in the family. But he cares for his grandson Manoj ,she want him to follow the honesty path he took just like his father did.
The big message which is informative here is that cheaters never prosper-although the film doesn’t shy away from recognising there still a lot of prejudice and bias in the system, which makes life tough for people like Manoj. This kind of view was very significant in this movie. The director make the audience felt like this happens in real life to all emerging civil service officers. Overall from technical aspects, appreciate their kind of hard work for the excellent output.
The significance of being innocent and honest is the lesson we can learn from the movie . That is what makes it special. I am very sure that this movie will be one among the oscars. It is a must watch movie especially for the people who are proud to be as an Indian. This movie will be remembered as an top inspirational movie in the Indian film industry.