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Valentines Day: In India It’s ‘I Love You’ But With Conditions Applied

Valentine’s Day, the one day a year where love is in the air, chocolates are in abundance, and florists are suddenly the most popular people in town. But wait, before you go skipping off into the sunset with your beloved, let’s take a moment to ponder the state of love and romance in India. Because apparently, the powers that be have some opinions on who we can love and how we can love them. Spoiler alert: it’s about as confusing as trying to understand why pineapple on pizza is even a thing.

So, picture this : you’re a young, vibrant individual living in the land of spicy food and even spicier politics. You’ve found someone who makes your heart do the cha-cha, someone who makes you want to burst into song like a Bollywood hero in the rain. Life is grand, right? Wrong. Because apparently, according to the powers that be, your love is about as acceptable as wearing socks with sandals.

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Let’s start with the big one, shall we? Same-sex marriage. Or should I say, the Supreme Court’s rejection of it. Because apparently, in the eyes of the law, love is only valid if it fits into a neat little heteronormative box. Because who cares about love and happiness when you can just stick to the status quo, am I right? It’s not like LGBTQ+ individuals deserve the same rights and recognition as everyone else. Oh no, let’s just stick to good old-fashioned discrimination instead. Because nothing says “I love you” like a hearty dose of bigotry.

But fear not, my fellow lovebirds, because if you think that’s bad, just wait until you hear about the latest shenanigans in Uttarakhand. Not content with just stomping on the rights of the LGBTQ+ community, they’ve now set their sights on anyone who dares to deviate from the traditional one-partner-for-life model. That’s right, folks, say hello to the Uttarakhand UCC bill, where bigamy and polygamy are about as welcome as a skunk at a perfume factory. Because apparently, the idea of loving more than one person is just too scandalous for polite society. Who knew that the key to a successful relationship was just good old-fashioned monogamy? Clearly, we’ve all been doing it wrong this whole time.

But wait, there’s more! Because if you thought you could just bypass all this nonsense by opting for a good old-fashioned live-in relationship, think again. Because according to the powers that be, even that is now subject to their scrutiny. That’s right, folks, you can’t even shack up with your significant other without jumping through a few bureaucratic hoops first. Because nothing says “romance” like filling out paperwork in triplicate, am I right?

So, where does that leave us? Are we doomed to a lifetime of loveless misery, shackled to outdated laws and societal norms? Well, fear not, because love always finds a way. Because no matter how many laws they throw at us, no matter how many hoops they make us jump through, love will always triumph in the end.  Because at the end of the day, love is love, and ain’t nobody gonna tell us otherwise.

In conclusion, navigating the maze of romance in India is about as easy as herding cats. But fear not, my fellow hopeless romantics, because love will always find a way.  After all, if we can’t laugh in the face of adversity, then what’s the point of it all? Cheers to love, and May it always find a way, no matter what obstacles are thrown in its path.

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