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How To Link An Aadhaar Number To An EPF Account?


As we know EPF stands for “The Employees Provident Fund” which is known as a savings scheme that the EPFO has introduced under the guidelines of the Government of India. Here the motive is to provide you with a secure financial future that guarantees full security and benefits. And we are aware of the fact that our Aadhaar Link works as a fully valid secure document which makes it easier to validate and assure us of proper usage.

Is it important to link your Aadhaar Number to an EPF Account?

Yes, It is very much important to link your Aadhaar Number to an EPF Account as it provides you with:

1 . Secure Protection of your Personal Information

Here when your Aadhaar is linked to your EPF account it leads to fewer chances of mistakes and errors in managing your personal data and we come up with validating the information in a more secure way.

2. Protects you from Fraudulent Crisis

It helps you with lower chances of getting into fraudulent activities like when somebody else uses your personal data to open a duplicate account without your knowledge.

3. Free to use your PF Account

The benefit of a PF Account reflects the usage of certain guidelines which makes sure that any individual can receive their provident fund online without any permission from their employees.

Steps to Link your Aadhaar Number to EPF Account

Here you must first visit the official site of the Employees Provident Fund Organisation (EPFO) to link your Aadhaar Number with your PF Account.

  1. Log in to your UAN which is a 12-digit number and its password
  2. Then Select the KYC option under the Manage tab
  3. Here you will be directed to a new page, to link your documents with EPF Account accordingly.
  4. Then, Click on the “Aadhaar Tab”
  5. Put the correct information by giving your name and Aadhaar Number
  6. Your Aadhaar Number will be checked under the UIDAI bases.
  7. The EPF Account gets linked to the Aadhaar when KYC documents are approved.
  8. The KYC document includes Pan Card, Voter id, Aadhaar link, and driving license.

Finally, you can check the details and it will appear as verified under your Aadhaar details.


The EPF and its benefits lead us to make sure that we as a citizen of India make use of secure and stable measures for our future. And it is very much important to have its knowledge and use it for your own secure life. It just gives a boost to our financial access and its liabilities in a more secure way.


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