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From 12th Setbacks To IPS Uniform: Dreams Don’t Have Grade Requirement

Most of you would have probably watched the movie 12th Fail. If you have not, I highly recommend that you do.

The movie holds up a mirror of our shared experiences – the struggles and victories, the influences that shape us, and the difference during adversities.

There are so many facets of the story that were profound for me. But I will pick 4 that intrigued me the most:

1. The power of role models:

How one honest police officer Dushyant Singh inspires Manoj Kumar Sharma with just a small conversation! That inspiration served as the fodder for Manoj to pull himself with self-effort, and to throw himself into a completely different orbit where Manoj finally overcomes poverty and corruption to crack the toughest exam in the country.

Role models ignite a spark within us – a few encouraging words or inspiring actions can set others on a path to remarkable change. We all have the power to transform lives – knowingly or unknowingly.

2. The role of kindness:

From Pandey paying for Manoj’s meal at the train station to taking him to Delhi to Gauri Bhaiyya so he could study better – how strangers show him exemplary kindness throughout his journey. They reaffirm the faith that there is good in the universe. Random acts of kindness go a long way!

Today, especially in urban areas, we live self-absorbed lives. We are also reluctant to trust strangers. If a person approached us and said I am hungry, how likely are we to believe them? In our insular lives, the probability that we will come across people with urgent need for help is quite small. It is not that most people don’t want to help, but we have denied ourselves the lifestyles that enable random acts of kindness that can alter someone’s life.

3. The role of believers:

Manoj’s grandmother had this naive belief to give her entire life savings so that he could pursue his dreams. And even though he loses that money, that belief keeps him going. Shraddha, as a partner, and other friends – do everything in their capacity to support Manoj because of their faith in him and his potential.

I believe it is important to surround ourselves with people who believe in us. And be that ‘believer’ for others too.

4. The role of non-believers:

We need the non-believers, though that might sound counter intuitive. They have a very important, perhaps the most critical role to play. Characters like Deep Mohan challenge Manoj Kumar, fueling his determination to defy the odds.

The role of non-believers struck a chord – a conundrum that resonated with me on a deeper level.

I have heard plenty of “You can’t”s in my life – “You can’t be a good writer ”, “You can’t be a creative person ”, “You can’t be this, that” and so on.

We shouldn’t underestimate the role of non-believers. Sometimes, it’s the very thing that fuels our fire to prove to them otherwise. Keep your believers close and your non-believers closer.

What did you pick up from the movie?

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