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My Roommate’s Journey Reminds Us That Setbacks Can Be Catalysts For Strength

 As my office location shifted I had to move to a nearby pg to office place. That is how I met Ashwini, she was my roommate. As I got to know her better, she inspired and made me admire her.

Sharing her story in the hopes that it would also motivate you guys.

Meet Ashwini, a name that shines as brightly as the meaning of her name- a star in Kannada, reflecting her fast-paced determination towards life. Her journey through life has been a testament to her commitment to living on her own terms, her motto towards life is, “When one door closes, another opens.” Her story is a radiant example that teaches us, ‘You’re never wrong to do what’s right.’

From her schooling days in Mysore to her pursuit of electronics and communication engineering in Bangalore, Ashwini’s journey has been marked by her steadfastness. Today, as a successful physical design engineer, she stands as a beacon of financial independence and resilience at the age of 30. With a firm resolve, she has chosen not to compromise her happiness by marrying for anything less than what she deserves.

She had obstacles in life that continually put her tenacity and willpower to the test. Office politics and a forced departure that left her jobless for three years did not break her spirit. She continued to look for jobs despite feeling anxious and having trouble sleeping. She even took a part-time job at a hair salon, where she discovered while working part-time in a hair salon, that any job is worthwhile if done with dedication.

The path Ashwini was on to marriage took an unexpected detour. She made the decision to leave a relationship that didn’t value her because of societal constraints and dowry-related expectations. Despite such experience, her positive approach endures despite setbacks, a testament to her inner fortitude and sense of worth.

Amid challenges, Ashwini drew inspiration from Ankur Warikar’s book “Do Epic Shit”. She tackled failure and disappointment with self-care and a self-customized book of inspirational quotes which consists of all her favorite ones. She said they provided her strength to get back up again, providing a reminder that embracing oneself is a key to bouncing back.

Her advice echoes wisdom: trust your gut and get second opinions where necessary. Her mother’s advice on how to treat people and her father’s lessons on offering a helpful hand helped establish the virtues of compassion and understanding in her.

Ashwini’s journey reminds us that setbacks can be catalysts for strength, obstacles can spur us on to become stronger, that being true to who we are gives us power, and that no matter what challenges life throws at us, there is always a way to overcome them with grace. Her face word is “I’m 30 and I’m happy”.

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