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How Programs Like ‘DAY-NRLM’ And ‘MGNREGS’ Are Helping Rural Women

In villages across India, something amazing is happening. Thanks to two important programs—DAY-NRLM and MGNREGS—young people are finding new opportunities and building better lives.

DAY-NRLM Opens Doors:

DAY-NRLM, which started as NRLM, now helps nearly 10 crore women all over the country. Imagine this as not just a number but as countless stories of young people getting a chance to explore new possibilities. Through Women’s Self-Help Groups, DAY-NRLM is not just about money; it’s about giving young folks a way to start their own businesses, whether it’s in farming or something else.

MGNREGS: Where Work Creates Change

MGNREGS is another program making a difference. It’s all about creating jobs that matter, like building things for the village. Young people are not just earning money; they are making their villages better. Projects like building houses and working on farms are changing the way rural areas look and creating jobs for the youth.

Learning Skills and Growing Together

DAY-NRLM realized that women in farming were not getting enough credit, so they started a program in 2011 to empower them. This not only helped women but also gave young people a chance to learn new skills in farming. Another program, the Start-Up Village Entrepreneurship Programme (SVEP), is helping young folks become entrepreneurs, giving them the tools to succeed.

Recognizing the Power of Change

As we celebrate the success stories of DAY-NRLM and MGNREGS, it’s important that everyone recognizes the good they are doing. These programs are not just about finding jobs; they are changing the way we think about rural India. By acknowledging the positive impact of DAY-NRLM and MGNREGS, we can encourage more support and similar programs.

In the end, DAY-NRLM and MGNREGS are not just programs; they are stories of young people finding hope, building better lives, and contributing to making our country stronger. Let’s cheer on these initiatives and support more programs that help young people in rural areas reach their full potential.

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