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What Goes Inside The Mind Of A Teenager?

Watch your thoughts, they become your actions,
Watch your action, they become your habits,
Watch your habits, they become your character,
Watch your character, they become you!!!

I read these lines during my childhood on a tabletop, but it still remains with me. Though the author was anonymous, it gave me one of the biggest childhood lessons of life – my thoughts define me in the long run. So, I was very careful about the things that needs to be given importance and things that can be ignored. This quality helps me tide over many practical issues in life easily even today.

As a teenager, one lands into multiple problems simultaneously, that too pretty easily. The age, the enthusiasm, the anxiety pushes many teenagers into situations which are not generally accepted by the society, and they are called as ‘problems’. Actually, such problems have no great solutions as well because the doer understands the solution better than anyone else but still commits the same

The atmosphere, the friends, the pressure encourage the teenager to perform such acts The root cause of problems is the thought process of the person and hence if the thought process is channelized in the right direction, many problems can be overcome even before they occur.

Another aspect of a young mind is that is ready to experiment and explore the untested waters. They are high risk takers as they understand that there is nothing much to lose. This can be a double-edged sword as it may result into an innovation or a complete disaster. A balanced approach can work wonders for the benefit of not only the teenager but the entire society as a whole.

Finally, the life of a teenager revolves around the area of addiction. There are various kinds of addiction that attracts a teenager. It can be attraction towards the opposite sex, consuming toxic elements, or watching mobile phones. They cross all limits when addicted and even lose their presence of mind in many situations. However, if the addiction is channelized towards a positive activity like academics or sports or cultural, the same set of people can create magic in this society. This channelization can be possible through a ‘mentor’ who takes the responsibility of lives of teenagers who believes him.

A balanced mind, an effective mentor and a right vision towards life can light up the lives of teenagers positively and show them the path of live that they always dream. Many people brand ‘teenagers’ negatively and do not agree to mentor them. However, an effective communication system can turn the tables upside down and every youth can become successful. 

My experience in the academic field for over 30 years, made me realize only one truth – every youth wants to be successful; some admit and display this publicly while many keep this dream within their hearts and are unable to share to the world. But the truth is they like to see themselves successful. Every youngster needs an experienced but young at heart mentor to listen to their problems and suggest the best solution.

A Mentor who can spend time with a teenager in distress can prove to be a real game-changer in the life of that student and add to the assets of the society.

Do you agree with my thought process? Share your thoughts, positive or negative. 

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