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In This Tech-Savvy World, We Must Not Be Ignorant To The Environment

                                             “When I close my Eyes in the outside world,

                                           all I hear is Noise of the Reel World, under which,

                                                         The Real World is Silent!”

                                                                                                   – Gargi Sharma

Life is Fast nowadays; time is a precious commodity, and the relentless pace of life is a reality that none can escape and no one is at Fault because this is how the world is changing and life is moving ahead. But in such a busy world, everyone has forgotten the world around them; I am talking about every individual. Meanwhile, in this busy world, the main role which is played in our busy lives is of “Technology”!

We all have seen how technology has made our life much easier, we do not need to walk miles to go somewhere, and do not need to wait for days to get someone’s reply to a Letter due to our Science and Technology, communication gaps have been narrowed and made easier for Human Life to live.

Yet, as the adage goes, “To Every Advantage, there is a Disadvantage Too”!

Some of the Examples are there, which I want to discuss from our daily lives: usually, we all have seen that, we use Road Transport to get somewhere on time, as per our convenience, without making much effort but have you seen how most of our precious time is taken by “Road Traffic”!

That due to such events like Road Traffic, insidious forms of Pollution such as Air and Noise Pollution increase in Level, which we do not even recognize as we are busy living our Reel life than Real Life!

Vehicles, the harbingers of convenience, become unwitting perpetrators of air pollutants, contributing to the insidious rise of air pollution and similarly incessant Honking by the Vehicles, sometimes without any reason, which is a “Common practice by people” is a major cause towards Noise Pollution. That to control such issues, then Our Government releases Ban on Vehicles by mentioning certain conditions, but do these conditions or solely the Government can save our environment?

A more insidious facet of technology surfaces in the form of Radiation and its deleterious effects; as we know that, Bird species found in India are under threat for various reasons: Pollution, Climate change and Strong Electromagnetic fields. These birds are which have always been around and now they are rarely found; the Disappearance of house sparrows has been reported from different parts of the country, Birds are known to be sensitive to magnetic radiation. An increasing number of cell phone towers in cities are bringing down bird populations and affecting the environment.

These are a few examples which we see in our daily life, feel sorry for the same and proceed further as again being busy in our daily life routine!

That to control such scenarios, Law plays an important role, and its implementation plays a major but what is more important is that, We think not only about ourselves as an individual but the “World as One family.”

So, thinking about the world as a family, what we can do, or what solution we can opt to Reduce such reactions of Technology in the Real World is-

Firstly, Using of vehicles such as electric cars, scooters/bikes can significantly reduce pollution. Also using public transportation can help reduce air pollution to significant levels.

Secondly, one of the biggest solutions is- Regular checkups and proper maintenance of personal vehicles, Poorly maintained cars or bikes or any other transport are a source of higher amounts of pollution and therefore should be regularly maintained; even these steps should be taken by every Individual on time so that later on Traffic Police don’t take action against and cut anybody’s Challan regarding Pollution.

Fourthly, regarding Saving Bird Species, in this busy world, we cannot remove cell phone towers in cities due to growing development, but what we can do is- We can make arrangements for water and food for birds at our homes.

Fifthly, we can try to Use our cell phones properly to minimise the effects of radiation on birds. Sixthly and most importantly, Rules should be made by our Government to restrict the rate of electromagnetic radiation By keeping Limit the maximum number of towers to be installed in a particular city, by detecting the towers that have extreme electromagnetic radiation beyond the set limit and to take it down and Raise awareness about the harmful effects of cell phone radiation in birds and what we can do to save the birds from radiation.

We do not even realise how due to such events, our Lives and the Life around us gets or is getting affected. Everything has its drawbacks; We are all so occupied in our lives that we forget the “Real World Around Us, A world that we call “Nature”.

That, we do not even realise and will never do till it is too late to understand the reality and the difference between Reel or Real World. So, it is incumbent upon us to wield Technology in a way that does not affect us and the Life around us.

Be aware and take steps before we start creating the Real World with the help of Technology!

– Thank you

Gargi Sharma


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