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A Crown Of Safety

The history of India bears witness to a time when students united; nobody could handle their rage. But what if the government becomes so cruel that students have to bear lathi-charge actions against them? Our government has become so irresponsible now that they openly suppress the protests of students demanding their own rights. The Patna incident has gone viral on the internet and has shocked the nation with cruel visuals of police openly lathi-charging on the students protesting against the limitations of railway vacancies. This is a mirror reflecting our police system, whom we consider as our savior, our protector. I want to remind my readers that, as per the best of my knowledge, no policemen can beat or even abuse you under section 29 of the Indian Police Act, 1861. You can file a written complaint in your area’s vigilance department if any policeman misbehaves with you. I am twenty years old now, and as far as I know, our police system has not been shuffled or changed after the Indian Police Act, 1861, because this system gives them the right to show their cruelty before the citizens.

The real reason behind this cruelty is the lack of social education in the people. People nowadays enjoy being exploited by the police just because they do not have the guts to face them and tell them what their actual laws are. If those people had a choice to pass before the police, they would surely avoid that because of their fear. Actually, this approach of theirs is so wrong, as the only problem why police misbehaves with them is that they do not wear their crown, which could save them not only from the police but from injuries as well; I am talking about the helmet, which is as basic as wearing your clothes while going out to avoid embarrassment. Why do you forget to wear a helmet to avoid injuries as well? People nowadays take pride in not following the rules, and that is what forces the police officer to misbehave and take action against us.

I myself believe that they do not have a choice rather than forcing us to follow the rules by any means, as they also have to answer to higher authorities about the status of discipline. But this does not give them the invitation to roam around the town without wearing a helmet themselves. Nowadays, even traffic police officers do not wear helmets while traveling on two-wheelers. How can we expect them to safeguard our life? This is a big matter of concern in our country, and we should not let our life be at risk at all. The helmet is just an example I have given to elaborate on the scenario; there are hundreds of laws which the police officials break themselves and expect the citizens to follow.

Now, I am not a man who would just criticize others without giving any solution. I myself did not used to follow the rules back then, but when I observed the condition of our country, I realized that as a responsible citizen of my country, it is my sole responsibility to show everyone the right path by following all the rules myself first. I have started wearing a helmet before riding on a two-wheeler, even for the shortest route. I started following the right lane without any hesitation, and so on. Just after some days, I observed myself eliminating the fear of police officials within me and passing before them like a fearless king. We all are kings with no discrimination of our race or color; we just have forgotten the ritual of wearing our crown. The example of a helmet may help you find your kingship within you and educate your loved ones to safeguard your life without any fear or hesitation.

In conclusion, I want to state that our system may be rigid, but this does not mean that it cannot be changed. You just have to discover your kingship (rights) and watch yourself being fearless. Start with wearing your crown (helmet); it would help you travel fearlessly and safely. No time is bad or good until your own actions are in your hands. Jai Hind!

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