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A Better World For Daughter… How ??

She is young, good looking & 29 year old :

Just reached home and directly entered her bedroom & sat on bed, her bag fell down on floor after rolling down from her shoulder till her arm & she wasn’t even in an intention to pick it up. She was feeling very tired and thirsty. She was looking perplexed or somewhere lost. After 8 minutes of silence, she stood up, very slowly moved towards the dressing table & turned towards the mirror. She looked at her image carefully.. she stared at herself from head to toe.. slowly she removed her top and looked at her body parts. They were getting bigger & she knew that they were going to get bigger, day by day, month by month. She poured over at herself for so long before she moved her hands across her belly, just above the abdomen & till her lower end. Her belly was growing, looked fully bloated. There was a shiver in her fingers & tiny drops of water in eyes. She went to collect her Ultrasound scan reports from her gynecologist today. She was pregnant,5 months pregnant.


She is minor, cute & 8 years old :

Winter holidays have just started. Her excitement was on its peak. Reasons were not only the holidays & Christmas gifts but the arrival of her cousins from Mumbai. They were almost the same age. Their visitation was always a great time for her…playing the whole day, good food, new dresses was the agenda of their togetherness. Her father’s sister was a super fun person to be with. Home was filled with laughter & giggles after their arrival. Her aunt (father’s sister) bought a new white lacy frock for her along with silver sparkle bellies. She was absolutely busy doing her happy dance after wearing them. All were getting ready to go out for lunch that day. It was a quiet sunny winter day. They all roamed around the city for hours, visited a few good places and then went to one of the heritage hotels of the city for lunch. It was a quite authentic place & was famous for typical regional food. They had their food and were waiting for Bill to come, meanwhile she suddenly felt a need to peed. Her mother told her elder cousin to accompany her to the loo, but the waiter who was standing near, told her mother that he could take her to the loo and they all could stay back. Her mother agreed and said to her ” Baby go with uncle.. he’ll show you the way to the bathroom”. Waiter held her finger & said “come baby, I’ll take you there”.

When they reached the bathroom, she went inside and got fresh but when she came out of loo and washed her hands, she found that waiter standing behind her. She looked at him.. and the waiter came close to her, held her hand and pulled her out of the bathroom. There was a closed door just beside the bathroom. The waiter said to her “This room is filled with toys for kids.. come inside I’ll show you” and he pulled her inside the room. She didn’t have an idea what was happening. She looked around the room, it was filled with useless stuff.. broken chairs & tables, big wooden card boards boxes etc. She suddenly felt a touch around her waist. She turned back & looked at the waiter. He started talking.. “Lots of toys used be in this room earlier, but now they are in another room.. and now these things are here……..and….and….and….and….” She got impounded and her senses got switched off, she didn’t even listen to what he said was just looking at him and was feeling his annoying touch around her belly and all that happened in just a few seconds. She was uncomfortable and it was all unenviable. she didn’t even understand what that meant. Now his hands were moving towards her underpants. His touch was very rough and he was continuously talking about something. She couldn’t hear that because she was frightened. She pushed him away, all with her little power.. she was not even a teen, she was just a kid. He again pulled her close to him and kissed her lips strongly. She again pushed him and opened the door and ran to her mother. Her family was not at the table that time. She ran to the exit of the hotel and saw her family standing near the entry door. She went close to her dad and silently held his finger. Her heartbeat was running very fast. She didn’t know whether she should talk to her mom about this or not. She literally had no idea how to react. All she knew was that it felt dirty. Very dirty.

She realized a few years later that she was molested. First time !


She is teenager, innocent & 14 years old :

Her father was not well & admitted in a hospital. He met with an accident while returning home from work. He got some major injuries in forehead, chest & back. Mother used to be there in the hospital along with him all the time because he couldn’t even sit on his own. She was the only child of her parents and pretty good in studies. She was preparing for her secondary boards. Her uncle (father’s elder brother) took her along with him to his own place so that she wouldn’t suffer and this thing gave some relief to her mother. Her uncle was living with his wife & 20 year old son. Her aunt was a house maker & her brother was studying mechanical engineering in one of the reputed colleges of the city. Relationship between both cousins was so far so good. Days were going fine & her father was recovering. It was her 6th day at her uncle’s place. She slept that night bit early than she used to, because she wanted to get up early and meet her father in hospital before going to school. She was sleeping in a room and was in a deep dream world, when her sleep suddenly got disrupted by the feel of a hand on her lower tummy. It was very dark in room and she couldn’t see anything. But she could feel the touch.. touch of a strong hand.. over her abdomen. Somebody was groping her body parts randomly. She was not in her complete conscious.. still in control of sleep. That strong hand was moving towards her upper body through her abdomen. She was totally numb. Slowly she was getting an idea about what was happening..& why not she was on her teens now.. she could understand but she was still innocent to know the right way to react or not to react.. She was getting her conscious slowly and now that hand was on her breast. She was feeling bad. She was uncomfortable. “who is this person”.. “what is he doing”, she was continuously thinking this. The hand was getting hard on her tender breast. Inquisitorial she moved a little bit so that the person got an idea that she’s awake and he moved away. Same happened. She moved her arm, leg & back in a way like she’s about to take a turn and with this, the man pulled his hand back in menace and tried to hide himself beside almirah. And just after 5 minutes or so, he slowly moved with very still feet out of her room. He was her cousin, her uncle’s son. He was her brother.. that’s all she knew., nothing else. But yes, this time she knew what was happening to her but she didn’t figure out the reason. Why all that..? She was perplexed. What was more frustrating for her was that she didn’t even have courage or the guts to discuss this with her parents. Reasons were varied but the facts were the same. Her mother always told her that he’s your brother, he will always protect you. So, does that mean her mother was fooling her or her cousin cheated her. She didn’t understand.

And after this incident she didn’t accept him as her brother, ever. Even her heart didn’t allow her at all to tie rakhi on his wrist on rakshabandhan festival. But still had to do.. because of family, relationships & typical Indian values. She detest him from the bottom of her heart.


She is young, ambitious & 20 years old :

New chapter of her life has just begun. She got admission in a reputed medical collage of country. She cleared her pre medical exams with a good enough rank. She & her family was extremely happy. Days & her studies were going pretty fine. She made new friend and few mentors. Days, weeks, months & then year passed like this. Days were getting very hectic as exams were coming near. She had to submit a few assignments and projects before the deadline was her main agenda during the last days of that year. It was chilly winter evening, and she was in a rush of reaching home before getting too dark. She was studying with her friend at college hostel. She left her friend’s place after completing her target of the day of her assignment. Her home was not very far from the college hostel. So she generally completed this journey by walking only. That evening also she started walking towards her home. It was bit late after 7 pm & it became dark outside because of the shorter days of winters. The road was little lonely because their society was new in town so development was still going on. She was walking fast and was holding her bag filled of her first love.. books. Suddenly two man on bike crossed her. She noticed that but ignored at first and kept on walking. After few minutes they returned and stopped their bike close to her. She was stunned for a second. Before she could made any attempt the man who was sitting at back landed out of his bike and pulled her close to him. She was just about to start yelling but just then, that man shut her mouth with his palm strongly. And the man who was sitting & riding the bike started touching her bosoms roughly. It was painful. Another man also started touching her various body parts and was pinching her everywhere. She tried a lot to shout but their grip was powerful. But at that time only they saw a vehicle coming from distance, they said something to each other which was not audible to her and they loosen up their grip and sat on bike. When they were about to speed up their bike they threw her aside with full force and ran away. The bike was out of sight. After two minutes she picked up herself, wiped her tears and started moving towards her home. She was feeling desolated.


She is mature, successful & 26 years old :

It was the first time somebody was coming to meet her. Her parents found a good match for her, for the wedding. Her medical study was completed and she started working in a well known medical institution of her city as an intern. Her intern duration was also about to complete. So as per her parents this was the right time for noetic physical or psychological change of life, called marriage. She dressed up herself soberly and started waiting along with her parents. They reached the man who was practicing his doctorate in Apollo, Delhi. Just as by ritual their parents gave them a little time to spend together. The man was good looking and was giving an intellectual look. During their wedding talk, his one statement actually shaken her up immensely and forced her to think and then decide principally. He wanted to marry a “virgin girl”. She was feeling like being stabbed & insulted. No doubt she was a virgin but what about the hypocrisy. What is the use of such a kind of education where these kinds of calculating thoughts exist. She said “No” for that alliance, confidently !


She is pregnant, thoughtful & 29 year old :

Today, she’s worried. Living in the United States with her husband is altogether a different degree of conditions. It’s a seven year contract which was offered to her husband by his company. Three years have been completed already. Now, after 4 years they’ll go back to India and then things will never remain the same. Situations and conditions are tremendously different between these two countries, especially for women. Crimes are there too but the sense of freedom she gets in the west is much better than from her own country. Although she loves her country, India.. it’s where her family & friends are. Undoubtedly she has got a good education and career there but what about freedom or safety. She is patriotic by all means. It’s a country where parents want their girl child to come back home before dusk at any cost, it doesn’t matter how successful she is…where girls get molested even at religious places. She can’t even trust God’s own home. Forget God’s home, but even her own home too.

Her heart is sinking. How she’ll protect her girl in India.. the most beautiful and special thing of her life. India is good, the virtues, values it has are outstanding but what about the security it provides to its female citizens. She’s had to live with all of it.. she’s been molested everywhere.. home, work, restaurant, bus, road.. everywhere. How she will save her piece of heart from lusty people in India.

It’s a country where “Virginity” is so Overrated that a man wants to marry a total “virgin girl” but will always make sure during or even after his bachelorhood, that no virgin girl would be left on this earth.

She washed her face, put on her tees & pajamas.. and went to bed to sleep. She cried again.. a lot. Nothing else she could do other than this…. RIGHT ??

What is the way out… Think !!              

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