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5 Lessons To Learn From Chapter 1 Of Subtle Art Of Not Giving A Fuck

1.  PRIORITIZING: Learn to select what is needed to be fucked up by you. Start focusing more on shrinking down your focus on only those things which are important to you. Rightly choose your fucks and reserve the rest for great things.

2. LEGITIMATE FUCK: Understand what is the meaning of lacking. Today’s generation wants us to be more and more in everything. But its okay not to be great in every aspect. Try to be honest with you. Fuck only those things which are meaningful to you. Don’t focus on lacked part too much instead accept it and work upon it the right way. Don’t overcomplicate the things otherwise you will get trapped in feedback loop from hell.

3. It’s not about finding the literal meaning of life instead finding about what is meaning for you in your life. Yes I wrote it but who the fuck cares. But still I will write because. I don’t prioritize my fuck to what you think. 

4. BACKWARD’S LAW: The harder you try for it the tougher it gets . The more positive you expect the less you gain . So backward or simply reverse it accept the pain, suffering, rejection, loneliness and all the sacrifices to let the success come to you. Sometime we have to leave the stuff in order to get it done more perfectly .

5. ACCPETANCE: Accept the way you are , the way you think , whatever the way you are. Leave this spotlight effect. Accept it, embrace it and always remember its not about being indifferent but being comfortable with being different.

That’s it from chapter 1 we’ll continue the same tomorrow with another chapter.              

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