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Waves Of The ‘Ganges’ In The Month Of December

The month of December in Kolkata is not usually as cold as in the other parts of India, especially northern ones. That’s because Kolkata sits within the lap of the mighty ‘Ganges’. The climate of this city is suffused with the warmth of this river, making its spirit lively and energetic. I feel incredibly fortunate to have such a beautiful place as my hometown. My favourite pastime, whenever I come here for vacation, is sitting on the shore.

I won’t be wrong if I say that water is the most powerful force of nature. And spending time in its communion is always an inspiring and uplifting experience. It’s those experiences that infuse us with a deep sense of personal and intellectual growth and encourage us to stay focused in pursuit of our goals. Moreover, the tranquil atmosphere of the river gives a healing touch to our wounded souls, while the steady flow of the waves teaches us not to dwell on the things that could not live up to our hopes and expectations.

It was a perfect day on December 31. The weather was pleasant, filled with a blend of gentle air and warm rays of the sun. “Why not pay a visit to your favourite place”, I whispered to myself. My inner self also nodded in agreement. I was ready to seize the opportunity and spend the last day of the year immersed in self-contemplation.

It was an ideal chance for me to reflect on the obstacles that stood in my way and the motivations that propelled me forward throughout the year, on the people who deserted me when I needed them most and those who stood by my side even in the darkest hours,  and of course on the memories that I should have shaken off way earlier and the memories that I must cherish for the rest of my life. 

The clocks were striking 4 when I set forth and reached ‘Ramkrishna Pur Ghat’ within ten minutes or so. Although I have visited this place many times, it still fascinates me as though I’m visiting for the first time. It’s probably one of the most enchanting places for a nature lover, with some lofty edifices and the historical ‘Eden Gardens’ erected on the opposite side of the river.

I sat on the parapet painted blue and white, a signature combination of colours which you’ll see all over in Kolkata. For the first few minutes, I preferred to behold this beautiful panorama,  listen to the crashing sound of the waves, and enjoy the gentle breeze stirring my soul. In the blink of an eye, I was transported to a different state of mind, utterly lost in the realm of my imagination.

A few moments elapsed. My mind snapped back to reality when someone called out my name out of the blue. I turned around and spotted one of my friends standing across the road, waving his hand, and beaming with delight. I also waved back to him and invited him to join me.

“Why is it that you’re sitting all alone over here as if someone has ditched you.” He said, settling in beside me. “It’s s not like that, man! It’s just that I enjoy being here, relishing moments of tranquillity and solitude.” I replied, releasing a deep sigh of relaxation. “You know what, your poetic words suggest that something’s been weighing on your mind. People don’t usually talk about solitude and peace unless they are trying to put up with some mental discomfort. It’s the pain that drives us toward these moments of solitude in nature.” He teased, giving me a mischievous smile. “Haha, Bruh! You caught me there. My poetic side couldn’t hide from you. But you know, you’ve also got a way with words that’s more poetic than mine.” I teased back, engaging in a playful banter. 

He just burst into laughter. “And hey! It’s not always about misery and discomfort. There’s much more to that. It’s also about embracing some life lessons from these natural forces. There are indeed some characteristics of an ocean, or even a river that a nature lover tries to adapt when sitting on its shore.” I continued.  “And what are those qualities of an ocean that one can cultivate within oneself?” He asked, an ember of curiosity still burning in his eyes. “Of all the qualities and virtues that surge within me when I sit on the bank of an ocean or a river, calmness is the most dominant.

Now, what is calmness? Calmness is maintaining one’s composure in both challenging and exhilarating moments. It is to stop oneself from being overwhelmed by any sort of emotions. It is through calmness that a person makes reasonable and wise decisions, after which he doesn’t have to regret. See, an ocean may seem turbulent on the surface, but deep down, there is always a profound stillness. The second most important quality of an ocean is persistence.

Let me read out a quote by  Jim Watkins, “A river cuts through rock not because of its power but because of its persistence.” Yes, indeed! Perfection isn’t always a key to reaching a milestone. We rather have to be consistent and persistent in our endeavours. It’s persistence that truly brings fruitful results to our hard work.” I elaborated. 

Our discussion continued. The sun was about to bid farewell to the day, casting its golden glow across the horizon. “I’ll be glad if you also add something to it before we leave. Tell me if there’s anything about the ocean which inspires you most.” I asked, making the discussion a little more interesting. “Let me remind you of a poetic verse by Kaif Bhopali which is so relevant to recite right now and will encapsulate all that I want to say. 

Kaif Sahab says —  Kaif Paida Kar Samandar Ki Tarah  Wus’atein, Khamoshiyan, Gahrayiaan

Yeah! It’s inner depth and serenity that an ocean fills me with. That’s all. He answered, making his way down from the parapet as darkness, little by little, had enveloped the surroundings. And then, we headed back home.

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