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The Art Of Video Game Storytelling – Spider Man 2

Storyline 1

Opening image– Oscorp Secret Labs, where we witness the father and son moment between Norman Osborn and his son Harry, who is alive.

The Big Clue- The object behind Harry is the symbiote.

Harry has to adjust to the symbiote, if he wants to live.

The Hook- The symbiote is passed from Norman to Harry.

The story shifts to the present day in Manhattan, New York.

Character Introduction- Miles Morales sits in the classroom as others enter.

Enters the protagonist- Peter Parker takes up a job as a professor in the school.

Inciting Incident– A smog of sand crosses the classroom.

Hero time– Peter Parker and Miles Morales team up as Spider men to sort out the situation.

Investigating the threat- Peter and Miles, the sidekick, discover Marko, the Sandman is wreaking havoc.

Ultimate goal- Spiderman and his sidekick must stop Sandman from wreaking havoc.

Entering the trap- Spiderman and his sidekick enter the havoc caused by Marko.

Teamwork- Spiderman and his sidekick try to stop Marko before he devastates half of Manhattan and they learn the reason why he is attacking.

Increase in conflict- Sandman fights back with his fists, destroying buildings.

Spiderman tries to dodge all of Sandman’s attacks.

Increase in danger- Spiderman faces off against mini-Markos.

Introduction of a new gadget- Spiderman uses his back claw to wipe out the sand army.

No way out- Sandman grabs Spiderman by the arm.

The weakness- Spiderman gets out of the trap by aiming at Sandman’s weakness- water.

Questions filled with mystery- the question he asks- Why did Sandman attack Manhattan?

The plan- The spider men use Marko’s weakness (Water) to stop him.

Miles uses his venom punch to distract Marko as Peter figures out a way to use water to destroy Sandman.

Spiderman (Miles) faces struggle to distract Sandman.

Hope found- Peter and Miles head to the large water tank to stop Sandman.

They manage to reach their destination, but Sandman pushes them too far.

Miles faces off against Sandman’s thugs, as Peter tries to figure out a way to activate the water tank.

Theme- It’s about teamwork, friendship and trust.

Miles goal- While Peter is busy fighting Sandman, Miles must find a way to reach the water tank.

Facing obstacles- Spiderman ( Miles Morales) faces off against sand thugs in order to reach his goal.

Inching towards victory- The spider men now have Sandman in the trap with the water tank.

False victory- Sandman rises up again and takes Spiderman (Peter Parker) for a ride.

Facing more difficulties- Sandman grows more powerful and throws a sandstorm on Peter.

Increase in threat level- Sandman has control of the storm and Spiderman (Peter Parker) is not able to do anything.

Spiderman (Peter Parker) decides to put an end to Marko’s madness. They use electricity as the ultimate weapon against Sandman.

The plan work. The duo manage to beat Sandman.

Heroes save the day- The Spidermen manage to save the world from Sandman’s madness. The effort of teamwork succeeds.

End of Storyline 1.

Storyline 2

The warning- Sandman warns with the dialogue- When they come for you. It depicts its not over yet and Sandman could have allies.

Revealing the new antagonist- there is a dissolve to the forest scene, where we are introduced to Kraven-The Hunter.

We are introduced to Kraven’s army as he sets his eyes on Manhattan, where he will put his hunting skill to the test-Killing all the vigilantes.

The antagonist’s goal and motive- Kraven wants to hunt down all vigilantes and prove that he is the greatest hunter ever existed.

A new day at Manhattan- Spiderman (Miles Morales) cleans up the wreck caused by Sandman.

A new problem- The telecom network of the entire city goes off.

New Gadget- Spiderman (Peter Parker) is given a new drone that can help him locate crime in any second.

Testing the new skill- Peter tests out the drone, as he locates crime in one area.

Cleaning out the junk- Spiderman (Peter Parker) restores back to his job- fighting ordinary criminals.

Miles also gets the drone.

Miles driven story- Miles now puts his skills to the test- fighting crime and saving innocents.

Miles takes down criminals in his own way.

Facing a new problem- Miles faces off against Sandman’s goons.

New clue- Miles discovers a crystal that has, the Sandman, Marko’s memory. It is also the driving force of the entire story.

Struggling with balancing normal lives- The duos find difficulty balancing between heroism and normal life. Peter loses his job at the university.

Return of the helper- Mary Jane shows up in Peter’s life once more.

Building up a relationship- Peter tries built up his relationship with Mary Jane, by learning about her struggles of publishing a book.

Peter helps Mary Jane settle in his house.

The tough life- Peter struggles with paying the rent of the house.

Flashback to the past- Peter returns to his high school life, thinks about the first time he got his powers and his relationship with his deceased aunt May. It proves he hasn’t forgotten her.

Return of an old friend- Surprisingly, Harry Osborn returns into Peter’s and MJ’S life.

Fun with friends- Peter and Harry decide to hang out like old times.

While cycling they learn about each other more.

Return to childhood- Peter and Harry return to mid-town high, where they explore the memories.

Flashback- Peter and Harry explore the good old days, when they used to play pranks.

They skip into high school, without anyone’s notice.

The Beginning- The flashback also marks the beginning when Peter was getting to know his powers.

They return to the present- all grown up.

They return to the past, when Peter helped Harry get his hard-drive back.

In the present, they still play the prank they are meant to play.

Establishing the deurotagonist’s ghost- Harry meets his father in high school who tells him his mother is dead.

Harry tells Peter he has got a second chance to make things right.

Friendship in vain- Harry invites Peter to his new lab, telling him about his ideas.

Antagonistic forces emerging– Kraven’s Army march towards Manhattan in aerial vehicles.

Start of a new life- Miles prepares his college application to start a new life.

Hero time- Miles suits up as Spiderman to save the world once again.

Miles heads to the raft to investigate.

The raft guards move Scorpion to a new facility.

Meeting the ghost- Miles sees Martin Li aka Mr Negative, who was responsible for the death of his father.

2nd Inciting incident- Kraven’s army attack the raft.

Ultimate goal- The Spidermen must protect the raft from being invaded.

Enhanced enemies- Spidermen battle their enemies with advanced technology.

All hope is lost- Kraven’s men breach into the raft.

Teamwork- Spidermen (Peter and Miles) try to balance up the raft, as it begins to tilt.

Time-ticking clock- Spiderman (Miles Morales) tries to save the crew, before they drown to  deaths.

Increase in heavy stake- Scorpion is free and he attacks Miles. He is also poisoned by Scorpion’s drug.

Trapped in the cage- Miles is dosed by the drug, seeing visions of his ghost.

Miles escapes and meets his match with the ghost- Martin Li.

Conflict in choices- Miles is now conflicted with 2 choices- either he saves Martin Li or lets him die, putting his father’s soul to rest.

He chooses Option 1 , but the poison boils his skin. Kravens’s thugs show up and secure the cargo with Martin Li.

Miles fights back and stops the cargo from being stolen. But, crashes the helicopter.

Danger zone- Kraven makes things complicated as he sets a trap for Miles, filled with civilians.

New Goal- Miles must stop the raft from exploding and save all the civilians.

Evil unleashed- Li breaks out of his cage. Miles faces Li, remembering his father’s murder.

Kraven grabs Li.

The choice- Miles is faced with 2 difficult choices. Either he avenges his father’s death or saves the civilians from their death.

Miles chooses option 2 and lets Martin Li go.

End of storyline 2.

Storyline 3

The cost- The entire harbour is destroyed by the fight.

Spiderman (Peter Parker) tries to make sure all the civilians are safe and not hurt.

Miles is still haunted by his ghost.

The promise- The duo makes a promise that, they will find Martin Li and put him in bars.

Meeting the mentor- Miles encounters his uncle-Aaron Davis.

His uncle advise him to get out of the trauma of his father’s death.

New mission- Aaron requests his nephew to bring him a tech, that has been decommissioned in Roxon lab.

A normal life- Aaron decides to retire as the prowler and set a normal life for himself.

Relieving the trauma- Peter relieves the trauma of the death of his Aunt May.

Peter visits the foundation built in the memory of his aunt.

The two friends meet- Peter and Harry meet at the foundation, where Harry too mourns for the death of his mother.

Norman Osborn shows up to greet Peter Parker.

The foundation is all based on science giving hope to people.

Start of a new life- Peter gets a job in the foundation, alongside with his friend Harry.

Learning about the new life- Peter explores with Harry and learns about the new foundation. He learns about Harry’s mission- to heal the world from any sort of disease.

Discovering something new- Peter meets Dr Young, who introduces him to her new project. Dr Young is trying to figure out a way to help the bees chew crop faster. She introduces Peter to the bee drone, that can solve the crop crisis in any second.

Peter volunteers to help with Dr Young’s project.

Peter believers that, Oscorp Tech can change the world and can help so many people in need.

Character introduction- We are introduced to Dr Connors- a research biologist.

The Bond- Peter now shapes his bond with Dr Connors.

Peter is introduced to Harry’s work- the particle accelerator. Peter continues to tour the science centre.

Suspense- It is felt when, Peter ignores Mile’s call.

He meets Dr Foster who explains how the planet can evolve as a faster, cleaner and safe zone.

Finding the perfect spot- Peter feels excited for working in the centre and helping out as many as he could.

The pain- Harry shares his pain with Peter and tells him he is at the same spot like his friend.

The deurotagonist’s goal- Harry wants to keep the planet safe from natural calamities and give hope to people.

Peter and Harry join forces to protect the planet.

The hunt- Spiderman (Peter Parker) tries to track down Kraven’s army. He discovers a hidden facility underneath the bridge.

In evil’s tomb- Spiderman manages to enter the hidden facility of Kraven. He looks through Kraven’s tech and activates the bird drone.

Encountering enemies- Spiderman encounters Kraven’s thugs and tries to interrogate them about Kraven’s plan.

After defeating Kraven’s forces, Spiderman investigates Kraven’s teach.

New clue- Spiderman finds a hologram underneath the drone. Spiderman heads to the location given in the hologram.

Investigating crime- Kraven’s men are loading a box full of cargo in a truck.

Spiderman enters Kraven’s secret layer to learn about the plan.

He learns Kraven is developing powerful equipment to hunt down his foes.

Cutting to the chase- Spiderman hacks into Kraven’s computer. He learns Kraven is hunting more vigilantes like him.

The bigger threat- Spiderman is attacked by a cybernetic dog.

Spiderman confronts the Cyber-dog.

The obstacle-Spiderman has to confront not one, but 3 cyber-dogs. He succeeds.

Digging deep – Spiderman tries to figure out Kraven’s plan. Kraven is hunting down all vigilantes.

Birth of a new problem- Sandman escapes from Kraven’s cage and taunts him. Kraven is now confronted by Scorpion. He poisons Kraven with his tentacles.

Kraven breaks open Scorpion.

The adrenaline- With Kraven’s list of target in his mind, Spiderman heads to warn Felicia Hardy aka Black Cat.

The revenge- Miles on the other hand focuses on his arch nemesis- Martin Li.

The adventure- Miles tries to track down Kraven and his armies activities, as they both know, Kraven is targeting vigilantes in Manhattan.

Ultimate goal- Miles must save Felicia from getting captured by Kraven’s army.

Turning point- Miles discovers a notebook in the vault which talks about the location of the wand of Watoomb.

New goal- Miles follows one of Kraven’s copters and learn about their next step.

Entering the death trap- Miles sees Kraven’s army hunting for Black Cat. This is where the ultimate goal plays in.

Catwoman is holding the wand of Watoomb, that can help her cross from one dimension to another.

Miles now must retrieve the wand of Watoomb from Black Cat.

Heavy stakes- Kraven’s army are also hunting for Felicia.

Put in a difficult challenge- Miles crosses one dimension after another to reach Black Cat.

The request- Miles requests Black Cat to join his league, as she is the target of Kraven.

The test- Miles and Felicia try to test the wand. She transports herself to Paris, leaving Miles with the wand.

The wand disappears in the hands of Wong. This is where the new story begins.

End of storyline 3.

Storyline 4

Pushing further- Miles pushes his investigation further, as he reaches a party called Mysterium with Ganke.

Surprise character- Quentin Beck shows up, who is an illusionist.

Entering the den- Miles and Ganke enter the magic show room to see Qunetin Beck’s work.

Exploring the new world- Miles enters Quentin’s domain, where he explores the upcoming futures.

He enters a virtual world, where he is dressed as Mysterio.

Face from the past- Miles, in the illusion, gets a glimpse of his hatred- Martin Li.

Miles breaks out of the trance. Peter arrives and introduces Miles to Harry.

Trapped in the cage- Miles still can’t let go of his hatred for Li.

Friendship time- Peter and his friends enjoy the fun at the carnival. They spent the best moments together.

New surprise- Peter and the gang encounter Tombstone, who is working as a mechanic and helping out people.

Love moment- Peter and MJ spend the night together at the carnival. MJ still struggles with her reporter career.

Sign of danger- Kraven’s army storms into the carnival. They target Tombstone.

Ultimate goal- Spiderman (Peter Parker) must save Tombstone from being captured/killed.

The struggle- Spiderman is caught in the net by Kraven’s army. The bandits capture Tombstone.

New problem- One of Kraven’s army rams a ride of the carnival. Spiderman chooses to stop the ride from falling.

Putting heavy stakes- As Spiderman saves the civilians, he also faces off against Kraven’s army. The stakes rise when, the roller coaster splits into two halves.

The thugs capture Tombstone and make a run for it.

The stakes rise even more, when the ride begins to collapse.

Deus ex Machina- Harry shows up and uses his symbiote like powers to help Spiderman.

They both learn about each other’s identities.

Learning about each other’s secrets- Peter and Harry learn about their different powers and how come Harry has the symbiote.

New Problem- Harry has not learn’t how to tame the symbiote yet.

Peter comes to the science centre to help Harry learn more about what the symbiote can do.

Harry messes up his office, while training with the symbiote.

New ally- Spiderman encounters a new ally- Wraith.

Shocking surprise- Wraith happens to be Yuri.

The hunt- Spiderman reaches Kraven’s other layer. Both Harry and Peter team up to take down Kraven’s operation.

The dynamic duo- Both Peter and Harry use their different powers to take down Kraven’s thugs.

The weakness- Harry’s symbiote gets affected by the sound.

The plan- The duo try to distract the thugs and free Tombstone from his cage.

The heavy stakes- The cage starts to collapse with Tombstone.

Time ticking clock- The duo must find a way to get Tombstone out, before the cage collapses.

New plan- With Tombstone freed, they must now escape from the facility.

Mile’ story- We return to Mile’s story, who has still not gotten over his father’s death.

Mile’s mother teaches him to let go of the pain.

The ultimate question- Will Miles let go of his pain? Or will he stick to it and feel trapped?

In action- Miles suits up to sort out the crime in his neighborhood.

New problem- Kraven’s thugs are hunting for Dr Connors. Peter and Harry now must race against time to save him.

2nd New Problem- MJ is held captive by one of the hunters in the van and she has lost her phone.

In evil’s domain- MJ is transported to Kraven’s castle.

MJ story- With MJ trapped, she must find a way to sneak into the castle and learn what else Kraven is planning.

Main goal- MJ must find Dr Connors and learn more about Kraven’s plan.

MJ finds Dr Connors trapped in the cage.

The stakes- MJ must find the key to free Connors from his cage, without getting caught.

Mission accomplished- MJ has freed Connors from his cage.

The big trap- Kraven shows up at the cage as MJ tries to free Connors. Kraven injects Connors with a dose.

The face off- Spiderman and symbiote spiderman show up to stop Kraven.

New goal- The spidermen must stop Kraven’s bandits so that, MJ can take Connors to the lab to get the antidote, before he becomes the lizard.

All hope is lost- Connors loses the antidote to Kraven and he starts to transform into the Lizard.

The big stake- Peter is wounded by Kraven’s dagger, as he tries to stop him.

A friend in need- MJ tries to help Peter escape Kraven’s castle.

All hope is lost- Peter falls unconscious because of the wound.

The miracle- The symbiote heals Peter as it enters his body.

The new form- Peter, embodied by the symbiote, takes down Kraven’s army.

A new prey- Kraven has marked Spiderman as his last and final target.

The end of storyline 4.

Storyline 5

Free from the power- Harry wakes up from his coma and Peter has embodied the symbiote now.

New problem- With the symbiote off his back, Harry’s disease could revive back to its original state.

Struggling to return back the new power- Peter tries to return the symbiote back to Harry, but it refuses.

New goal- Peter and his gang must find Dr Connors and revive him back to his normal state, so that, he can find a better cure for Harry’s condition and free the symbiote from Peter.

Tracking the foe- Spiderman, with his new powers, tries to investigate the attacks caused by Kraven’s men. He finds the shopkeeper and ask him about the antique knife.

Due to the shopkeeper’s fear, Peter fails to track down Kraven.

Looking for a new lead- Peter finds a few gang members entering the opera theater.

The Symbiote changes Peter’s clothes into a tuxedo.

In disguise- Peter disguises himself as a waiter and takes a dish to Kravenoff’s bodyguard.

In the lion’s den- Peter is surrounded by Kraven’s thugs. So, he keeps it low.

False lead- Peter learns, Kraven is not in the opera.

Ultimate goal- Peter must interrogate Kraven’s bodyguard about the whereabouts of the anti-serum.

The investigation- Peter stumbles on Kraven’s room and tries to look for clues for the anti-serum.

In the danger zone- Kraven;s bodyguard finds Spiderman and pushes him out of the room. Now, Spiderman has to deal with Kraven’s men.

Heavy danger- Kraven’s bodyguard pushes Spiderman further away from the opera.

Spiderman manages to take down Kraven’s bodyguard and enters a church.

Face off with the monster- Spiderman battles Kraven in the shadows, as Kraven toys with him.

Finding the want- Spiderman locates the anti-serum tied in Kraven’s neck.

Learning the hero’s weakness- Kraven learns about Spiderman’s symbiote weakness- the sound of the bell.

Kraven uses it to weaken Spiderman.

Mission accomplished- Peter manages to get the anti-serum to Harry.

Test- Peter and Harry try to figure out how the disease in Harry and Connors can be cured.

A new idea- Peter and Harry use the particle accelerator to manufacture more of the cure in a faster rate.

New problem- The generator of the particle accelerator did not work. Peter now must fix the generator.

Peter manages to activate the accelerator.

New problem 2- The accelerator catches fire. The duo must prevent the accelerator from being damaged, if they have to prepare the lizard cure.

Mission accomplished– The duo manages to make the antidote.

The cost- Kraven’s thugs storm in. The particle accelerator faces heavy damage.

Spiderman does his best to keep Kraven’s men off the particle accelerator.

Mission accomplished- Harry manages to manufacture the lizard cure.

Key story- It focuses on Dr Connors and the cure for Harry and Peter’s condition.

Miles story- Miles continues to dwell into his ghost as he visits the grave of his father.

The promise- Miles makes the promise that, he will find Li and avenge his father’s death.

The hunt- Peter looks for Connors in his house.

New discovery- Peter finds a secret lab, underneath the kitchen. He finds a vile containing Connor’s blood.

The trap- Kraven’s men surround Connor’s house.

Time-ticking clock- Peter must find the lizard, before Kraven gets to him.

The team up- With the symbiote off Harry, Peter and Miles team up again to stop the lizard.

Miles enters an abandoned warehouse and tries to find the lizard before the hunters do.

Sign of terror- Miles finds clues that, the lizard is evolving.

Miles and Peter team up to stop the Lizard and get him the cure.

Increase in conflict- Miles takes down Kraven’s thugs, in order to capture the lizard alive.

Miles and Peter struggle harder to nab the Lizard and fight against Kraven’s army.

Kraven’s thugs are dealt with, but the duo failed to nab Connors.

End of storyline 5.

Storyline 6

The hunt continues- Peter uses the symbiote to track the lizard in the sewers.

Decaying health- Harry loses control of his body and doesn’t have much time left.

New clue- Peter locates Connor’s lab and finds a piece of the particle accelerator.

New enemy- Symbiote Spiderman now must face off against the Lizard, in order to get the piece of the particle accelerator.

The trap- Peter tries to insert the cure in Connors, but the lizard gets hold of him.

New strategy- The lizard can also perform sonic sounds, that Peter’s Symbiote is not immune to.

The chase- Peter must capture the Lizard and cure Dr Connors, so that, he can cure Harry.

The rampage- The lizard causes havoc as Spiderman chases after him.

The adrenaline- Spiderman not only must catch the Lizard, but also stop Kraven’s army from getting to Connors.

Peter injects the needle on the lizard, but fails to insert the antidote.

Adrenaline 2- Peter must insert the cure, before the lizard causes more havoc.

The stakes- Kraven, from his copter, shoots down the lizard. Spiderman now must prevent Connors from becoming the prey of Kraven.

No turning back- With a lot at stake, Peter must insert the cure into Connors this time.

Peter manages to inject the cure into Connors.

Mission accomplished- Peter has brought back Connors to his normal state.

End of storyline 6.

Storyline 7

Connors is brought back to the lab safe and sound.

Looking for a solution- Symbiote Spiderman seeks Connor’s help to separate him from the symbiote.

The symbiote is affected badly by the particle accelerator. It tries to fight back.

Diving into the memory- Peter dives into the memory of the symbiote, when it first crash-landed on earth.

Falling for the dark side- Peter takes pride in his symbiote suit and resists his capacity to heal.

The trap- The hunters find symbiote Spiderman. They reach MJ’s apartment.

MJ Story- With Peter out of action, MJ must take down Kraven’s thugs silently.

She now calls Miles for help.

Back in action- Symbiote Spiderman takes down all of Kraven’s thugs.

The Monster- MJ notices Peter is not himself, ever since he dawned the symbiote.

The helper- Miles steps in to help his mentor Peter. He learns the symbiote has taken control of his honesty and will.

MJ story- MJ enters the tunnel to help Peter become free from the symbiote.

Learning the solution- MJ learns Peter’s symbiote is weakened by the sound. She gets an idea for it.

The bait- Miles is trapped by Kraven and his hunters.

The bigger danger- Peter’s symbiote fires back attacking MJ. She makes a run from it.

Peter is now a slave to the symbiote.

End of storyline 7.

Storyline 8

A different man- Peter wakes up feeling changed and fit.

A friend in chaos- Harry’s disease is growing back. He is relying on pills.

The convince- Harry and MJ convince Peter to let go of the symbiote.

The worry – Osborne worries for Harry.

A friend in ruin- Harry’s sickness gets the better of him.

Miles story- Miles is trapped in the cage by Kraven.

The big obstacle- Miles faces off against Kraven’s thugs.

Encountering the arch nemesis- Miles, in surprise, encounters Martin Li.

The challenge- Miles faces off against Martin Li AKA Mr Negative.

Inside evil’s realm- Martin Li puts Miles into his alternate world.

Miles sees ghosts of his mentor- Spiderman.

The haunted past- Miles sees the ghost of his father. He follows his voice.

The victory- Miles takes away Li’s powers and Li restores back to his normal state.

The spare- Knowing that revenge won’t change anything, Miles lets Martin Li go.

A friend in need- Symbiote Spiderman enters Kraven’s den to save Miles.

The trap- Symbiote Spiderman is caught in the cage set by Kraven.

Breaking out of the trap- Peter, with his symbiote powers, breaks free from the cage and takes on Kraven.

Hitting on the weak spot- Kraven uses sound to weaken Spiderman.

All hope is lost- Kraven clutches onto his prey- Spiderman.

Losing the moral code- The symbiote fights back, strangling Kraven to death.

New goal- Miles must fight his mentor and figure out a way to get the symbiote out.

New plan- With Peter’s refusal to let go of the symbiote, Miles uses the heavy sound of the bell to free it from Peter.

The fight for freedom- Peter now fights back and frees himself from the control of the symbiote.

Freed from the cage- Peter restores back to his normal self and free from the symbiote.

End of storyline 8.

Storyline 9-

Succumbing to the pain- Spiderman (Peter Parker) succumbs to the pain he caused when he was trapped by the symbiote.

He thanks his protégé, Miles for helping him.

The conflict- Peter meets Harry and tells him the symbiote must be destroyed.

Choosing the dark side- Harry chooses to be in control of the symbiote.

Birth of a new enemy- Harry transforms into venom. Harry has been corrupted.

Harry’s story- Harry is now the monstrous venom as he wreaks havoc.

Harry makes a run from the lab.

He wrecks havoc of Oscorp as he escapes.

Monster wrecks havoc- Venom destroys a helicopter and slams it in a part of Manhattan.

Meeting the match- Venom encounters Kraven. They both fight.

The victory- Venom manages to defeat Kraven. Venom bites off Kraven’s head and emerges victorious.

A brand new evil- Venom is now the ultimate threat to the story.

Fallen hero- Harry’s symbiote wrecks havov in Manhattan.

The antagonist’s goal- Harry’s goal is to heal the world from certain diseases using the symbiote.

End of Storyline 9.

Storyline 10-

A broken alliance- Spiderman (Peter Parker) now fears what Harry has become.

Entering the death zone- Spiderman finds layers of the symbiote in a lab.

The Ultimate goal- Peter must convince Harry to let go of the symbiote.

The big obstacle- Spiderman faces off against one hybrid symbiote.

Mile’s story- Miles tries to locate Harry and know more of his plan.

The duo fight against zombified symbiotes. They try to save Ganki and Rio Morales.

The danger- Harry takes MJ in custody.

The brainwash- Harry believes he can heal the world through symbiosis.

The dark turn- Harry turns MJ into one of the symbiote zombies.

A difficult choice- Spiderman chooses to fight the love of his life MJ, who has been consumed by the symbiote.

Spiderman confronts MJ and tries to get the symbiote off her.

The convince- Harry tries to convince MJ to let go of the symbiote. But, MJ denies.

Freedom- Spiderman (Peter Parker) uses the power of sound to free MJ from the symbiote.

Success- Peter manages to free MJ from the symbiote.

But,the story is not over yet, as Peter must extract the symbiote from Harry, before he infects whole of Manhattan.

World in chaos- Harry infects the entire city of Manhattan with the symbiote.

New ally- Li joins the fight against the symbiote.

New problem- Spiderman (Peter Parker) has been consumed by the symbiote.

New plan– Miles and Li enter the negative dimension to free Peter from the symbiote.

They find the source and both come up with a way to destroy it.

The stakes- Projections of Spiderman (Peter Parker) enemies attack Miles.

He finds the source to Peter’s condition.

Entering the Mentor’s ghost- Miles arrives at Peter’s aunt’s house.

Li decides to transfer his powers to get the symbiote out of Peter.

Mission accomplished- Miles has completed his arc of letting go of the past and they both manage to free the symbiote from Peter.

End of storyline 10.

Storyline 11-

New powers- Peter has got new powers from Li.

Main goal- Peter, with his new powers, must put an end to the symbiote infestation.

The hunt- Spiderman (Peter Parker) enters the oscorp facility to track the activities of Venom.

A new situation- Venom has Norman Osborn captive.

Venom steals a piece of the Particle Accelerator.

Put in a difficult situation- Spiderman learns if he has to stop the symbiote, he has to kill Harry.

A city in chaos- Manhattan is now covered with the stem of the symbiote.

Faced with a difficult choice- Peter is now tangled up in 2 choices- Either he should save his friend or sacrifice him for the symbiote.

Ultimate goal- The spider men must extract the meteorite from Venom.

The brainwash- Venom brainwashes Miles with a choice- either he joins him or dies.

The key element- The fragment of the meteorite plays as a key element in ending the symbiote infestation.

The search- Spiderman (Peter Parker) crosses the layer of symbiote to extract the meteor fragment.

Facing the bigger foe- Venom grabs Spiderman and reassures him he is trying to heal the world, not ruin it.

Locating the source- Peter, Miles and MJ discover that, the meteorite is kept underneath central park.

New idea- Peter and Miles think that, if can power up the particle accelerator, they can free earth from the symbiote invasion.

The plan- Peter and Miles must create a diversion for Venom and his symbiote army, so that, MJ can steal the meteor fragment.

Things go according to plan, as Peter manages to distract Venom. Miles fights against the symbiote army and MJ takes the risk to enter the tunnel to extract the meteor fragment.

MJ finds the Meteorite fragment tangled to the symbiote branch.

Mission accomplished- MJ manages to steal the meteorite fragment. Now must escape the nesting ground.

The stake- A larger than life symbiote blocks her path.

Peter’s story- Peter faces off against Venom.

All hope is lost- Venom has Spiderman tangled up.

The face off- Spiderman fights back against Venom to save his friend Harry.

Time ticking clock- MJ and Miles must put the meteorite fragment in the particle accelerator, before the world ends.

Miles tries to prevent Venom on getting his hands on the meteorite.

The final showdown- Peter uses his new powers to stop Venom from stealing the rock.

Inching towards victory- Miles places the meteorite in the particle accelerator.

Bigger stakes- Venom tries to grab the meteorite from Miles.

The freedom- Peter manages to free the symbiote From Harry. The nightmare is over.

The symbiote infestation has come to an end.

The cost- Harry dies in Peter’s arms.

The miracle- Harry survives and free from the control of the symbiote.

The pain- Norman Osborn blames himself for what happened to Harry.

A new life- Peter retires as Spiderman and gives Miles the key to the city.

End of storyline 11.


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