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Inside My Friends Mind

 I got stuck in Elder Sibling’s head, and all I could see around me is, mountains of burgers, chicken biryani, and perhaps paniyaram. Amidst all these there is a treasure chest, with label, “Cool Jokes’, and I didn’t dare to open it, fearing a joker with a spring, might bounce back at me. And then I looked back, I was able to see a throne, an unoccupied unfinished constructed throne, like 20% done, Elder Sibling like metaphorical Father is destined to become a queen one day, and hold power in her holy hands.

Then I vanished and was dropped in a flooding ocean, and I really do not know how to Swim, and I was expecting my God to send a fish to save me, like He did to Jonah. I was washed ashore and I opened my eyes, and I saw a lady with bright eyes, with her head full of snakes like Medusa, and she is looking like Susan, and just when I was about to say “Hi Susan’ what are you doing here’, the lady Medusa shouted back what are you doing here. I was looking around, the entire shore was calm, with no human around.

I had a pen in my hand, and I clicked it, it suddenly became a sword, well pen is mightier than the sword, they say, here pen became the sword, Susan was spitting disgusting snakes from her mouth, and the snakes mouth carried fire, she was spitting like 200 snakes per minute.

And I had to become Bahubali to save myself, so I was spinning the sword in all possible angles and massacring the rubber thread like disgusting snakes, thankfully none fell on me, I was killing them, and hitting them like a sixer on Susan the Medusa herself, so she was covered in a heap of snakes, and I ran as usual not wasting time.

She was chasing me with her iron chariot, run by wolves. I was running like Jack Sparrow with my sword still in my hand. I saw a cave on my right and went there, and am still running until I saw a light at the end of the tunnel and starting running towards the light.

I was in the Loksabha, and the King representing Varanasi and looking like Amit Shah, was arguing against Rahul Gandhi, there is someone behind the king, looking like Mahua and whispering seductive ideas, like the ancient serpent, I was in an MP suit myself, and no one seemed to reckon my presence.

So being the drama queen as I am and being the attention seeking bitch that I am, I shouted, “ I am not a terrorist’, and “yes you are’ shouted someone from the back, and yes to my terror, its Susan the Medusa, and a big chandramukhi like snake, was flowing from her legs, and it was of the size of anaconda, and in no time, it wrapped itself around me, its ugly head looking to me, as if we are about to kiss, and its ugly eyes looking at me, i could see the snake’s two road like tongue very clearly.

And pooof, I vanished from the snake’s grip like a magician, and I landed up in Anna Library, and there is cute and sweet librarian with angelic wings, normally one uses steps to pick books at a higher realm, this angel from Kolkata just flies and picks books with grace and regality.

And the one who has been whispering seductive ideas to King, Mahua and Medusa the Susan, showed up again in the Anna Library, guardian angel cast a spell from one of her handbooks, and these 2 evil people froze and they will be frozen only for 3 more minutes, I need help to fight these 2 dangerous monsters.

So I did what any superhero would do, at this point of time, I did a whistle and my friends showed up, Aaron who is also known as Minnal Murali, Govind who is also known as Hawkeye, Surya who is also known as Captain America, and I very much know, the other side, is gonna call their own, but we are ready for the Civil war! 

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